The feeling, which does not have legs, yet still manages to reach our hearts

Hi beautiful world!
Wishing you a great day ahead..
The feeling, which does not have legs, yet still manages to reach our hearts. It has been almost 3 years since I am active on this blockchain. During this time I have made many friends from aboard, all around the world. I am not familiar with them personally face to face yet their good impression is imprinted on my mind. Which I can feel as engagement. In fact, the way we talk, our behavior, our language style is a symbol of how a person's personality is. Our feelings work to connect all these to each other. When a new user joins this blockchain, many people welcome him, talking about the modalities here, then definitely a message goes in the mind of that new person that the behavior of the people here is very good. That person has never met these people but a good image of these people makes a place in his mind. First impression is our last impression. The way we present ourselves in front of someone, the person in front starts imagining about our behaviour, our feelings and character. Perhaps that is why it is said that feeling has no legs, but it reaches directly to the heart.
Thanks for being here..
Have a nice day

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