Do not be happy by doing bad to someone, because when God calculates, He does not give a chance to settle.


Hello beautiful world!
Wishing you a great day ahead..
If our attitude is positive then there is absolutely no dearth of good people in this world. If we spend even a single day without causing any harm to anyone, then it is the best day for us. Perhaps that is why it is said that we should not be happy by doing bad to someone because we have to keep the account of our good and bad deeds in front of God. At that time we will not have any answer. Believe that when God decides, He does not give anyone a chance to recover. There is no sound in his stick at all, but the injury feels very sharp. That is why it becomes necessary that we should do only those things which are in the interest of the people so that no one gets hurt. Human life is very precious, it should not be wasted in vain.
Thanks for being here..
Have a nice day..

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