Still at the docks - Last minute Breakdowns

Good day everyone, Zak here from a very hot Cape Town, South Africa.

I am very grumpy right now because it has been utter chaos on site and this has caused me to be rather fatigued and I have NOT been able to get my usual program of Hive writing done!

Besides the interrupted writing schedule, there is also a problem aboard the vessel that could have been prevented if only the people in charge had paid attention to what I said in the start-up meeting around 7-8 weeks ago.

It was not even just one issue! There were multiple. I told them about another issue that they also shot me down for and then finally, when the time came to switch on the machines… they could not work because the systems I recommended be checked or changed was faulty.

But that was the prior case.

In today’s case there was merely a discrepancy in their planning, logic and a break of procedure. You see, they had changed a refrigeration compressor but could not vacuum because they do not have a vacuum gauge and vacuum pump. This we found out later was a lie. There is tool cupboard near one of the machines… which contains a vacuum pump!!

I hate to be the guy to say “I told you so.” But… I DID tell them and unfortunately for all of us, they decided that they would go ahead without listening and shot me down 3 times in one meeting in which resulted in me shutting my mouth at this point and letting them carry on.

So, once I reached this point I have stopped giving advice and just do what I know will work. As for the rest, I just comply with orders that are moderately fair.

Anyway, It’s taken me all day to write this short little post.

I apologise for the gap in my regular posting!

Thank you for reading and have a great day!


Hive South Africa

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