RE: Mr. Bonkers gets a job

I remember working on saturdays when my school arent on holidays. But when we are, i like to go with one of our neighbor, to do a hard job.

I was around 13 to 14 i think, but i looker muscular and fit for the job even tho may dad was against it. I still went because I saw other older kids doing it. although they were older, we are almost the same in size.

It was a very hard job to do(its a building work with all the sand,cement and stuff) but I do learned a lot from it.

Not really about the money for me because I had to use that to get myself pain reliever drugs most times due to my body aches and headaches sometimes. But i learned to grow with the pain and with time it became easy, even though they paid me shit money because I was small I didnt let that bother me I just do it to either prove to myself that I can do whatever I set my mind to.

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