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I am so excited to be part of the week contest , afri-tunes week 109,I will be singing a song titled : Ebenezeri. A song by kent Edunjobi.

This song is all about thanking God for his awesomeness and everything good he's done for us. The name "Ebenezer" comes from the Bible and means "stone of help." It's a reminder of how God has helped us through tough times.

The lyrics talk about looking back at our lives and seeing God's hand guiding us every step of the way. No matter what troubles or storms came our way, he was always there, protecting us like a shield.

The singer expresses feeling so blessed and fortunate because of God's endless love and care. Even when we felt alone or weak, his grace gave us the strength to keep going.

My favorite part is when the song declares, "What a good good Father!" It highlights how God treats us like his own children, patiently nurturing us and providing for our every need.

The words remind us not to take God's goodness for granted. We should stop and count all the wonderful blessings he's given - our health, family, provision, joy, and peace. These are precious gifts we often overlook.

The song builds to a powerful moment of pure gratitude, with the singer pouring out their thankful heart to the Almighty. It's a feeling we can all relate to when we look at how far God has brought us.

Toward the end, there's a cool singalong part that gets you really hyped about praising God. By this point, you can't help but join in, celebrating his amazing love that never fails.

Overall, "Ebenezeri" is all about having a heart overflowing with appreciation for our Heavenly Father. The lyrics inspire us to reflect on God's countless blessings and kindnesses, big and small.

It's such an uplifting anthem of gratitude that makes you feel good down to your core. This song is the perfect reminder to stop and say "Thank you Lord!" more often. God's goodness deserves our highest praise!

Here are the lyrics of the song which I wrote typed myself.

Ebenezeri wa re oo
Ibi te ronwa lowo de
Kamajo kayo kafogo folu

Kimaise ni pa agbara o oluwa loni imo ati oye
Ogo taye ri tonpolongo
Ire loba was se .
Orin hallelujah, hosanna nio gbenu wako.

▶️ 3Speak

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