AFRI-TUNES WEEK #47|| LoveWorld Singers- Thine Is The Kingdom (Cover)

Hello beautiful people. How has it been going?
Trust you're feeling good?

It's another beautiful week to celebrate African music here on this great community.

This song sung by the amazing and Spirit-filled LoveWorld Singers is a song of worship and praise to Almighty God.

This song blesses me so much and is so powerful that even the melody could raise the dead and each time I sing it, I feel the anointing of God's Spirit. I am reminded that the Kingdom, the power, the honour and the glory all belong to God.

Challenges come to test the the stuff you are made of. They come to "challenge" you see just how strong your faith is in God and His Word and if your faith isn't strong enough, they will overcome you bit when you sing songs like these to God, it stirs up your faith and reassures you of God's greatness that is directed towards you. It reminds you that you are born of God and have therefore overcome the world. It reminds you of how powerful God is and how that power is at work in you, building you up, winning every battle.

I hope you like my rendition of the song šŸŽµ ā¤ šŸ’œ šŸŽ¶ šŸŖ• šŸŽ¼ šŸ’æ

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Genre: Gospel


All the glory and honour
Dominion and power
Belong to you oh God

All the glory and honour
Dominion and power
Belong to you oh God

For thine is the Kingdom
The power
The glory forever

Thine is the Kingdom
The power
The glory forever

Hallelujah to the Lamb

Hallelujah to the Lamb

Thine is the Kingdom
The power
The glory forever

Lyrics hand written by me


ā–¶ļø 3Speak

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