Hello to my wonderful friends in the Afritunes community. I’m glad to be entertaining you with my sweet voice on this platform for the second time and I hope you enjoy it just as you did the last one.
Today, I present to you an amazing song and one of the most popular songs of the Late Mohbad.

This song comes from the Afro genre and as so many people know, most Nigerians are experts when it comes to singing Afrobeats. There are times when the beats may not be alike but when you hear a confirm Afrobeat music just like this, you’d know you’re there.

What’s the song about?

The theme of these song is similar to Michael Jackson’s “Unbreakable”. The artise is trying to tell his enemies to ask about him that he is tough and no matter how much they try to bring him down, he’d surely be above them. Unfortunately, the artiste is late now which means that he must have been going through so many things during his lifetime. Let’s get to my video and I hope you enjoy it.

I’m sure some of my friends would love to sing along with me and that’s why I’ve got the chorus here.

Ask about me ask about me
Wonti le mi but won o mumi
Omo OLorun kole su mi
Sekeseke bula
I'm still getting my mulla
Dollar pelu naira
Iku to pa iya teacher
Ole pa awon nigga
KiLo nfo loke o (Fo loke)
Eye lon fo loke o (Fo loke)
Kilo nrin nile (Rin nile)

You can click Here to get the full lyrics.
That’s all for today
I love you all

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