African Music for TTT.


Image source by Andrea Piacquadio from pexels.

Hello, it's Tuesday and another amazing moment to share sweet and inspiring tunes with all music lovers. Is there anyone that doesn't love music at all? Music is part of me and I can't let a day pass by without listening to any from my Spotify App. When you know the usefulness of something, you wouldn't want to let it slide without making use of the advantage. Since we all know music is an act of relieving us from stress, making us excited, lifting our hopes higher, and assuring us that all will be well, then we shouldn't stop listening to our favourite songs.

One good thing about music is that different songs talks about our mood, emotions, feelings etc. If you are sad, there are songs to listen to. If you are excited, there are kinds of music to play and dance to show how happy you are. Also, if you are feeling like hope is lost, then music is there to tell you, "Hey, don't give up, all is gonna be well". I have, in many ways turned my negativity into positivity just by tuning to the right song that relates to my emotions at that moment.

So, for this week, I shall be presenting to you three African songs to make your day. Yes, I decided to go all the way to Africa/Nigeria as I am proud of where I belong to.

Ever since this song came out, I have always enjoyed it. This is a song that talks about true friendship that involves sacrifice. The song is a reminder to us that friends can easily be forgotten if we do not check up on them. In a world where everyone is going through a lot, it takes a good friend to be there for you. One who is ready to lend his shoulder to you so you could lean on. The protagonist expresses his love, loyalty and sincerity to his loved ones and assured them that with him around them, they can never suffer. We all need to be there for one another. Always check up on yourselves as this is a sign of true friendship especially when going through difficult times together and promising to always be with them. If you have a friend who always comes through for you, then you are lucky. Also, you should be a friend who will always come through for those who need your help and support in all areas.

I guess some love Testimony, a.k.a "Mr Jaga". I remembered the first time I came across this guy on YouTube, I immediately subscribed to his channel because of the first performance I heard from him. You need to come and see the way he reverenced God in the Yoruba dialect. I was wowed and impressed. I wished I could go a long time calling God different names even in my dialect. Yes, I can do this in my little way but some people are so talented in going longer in hours doing it. In my language, we call it "Oriki Olorun" (God's eulogy)

This particular song was performed on stage where he was expressing himself in acknowledging God as being "Big". One thing I enjoy is seeing people eulogizing God, and from what I have heard and can testify to, this is what makes God happy and wanting to do what you want. You know when a wife needs to request something from her husband and the only way to get through his heart is by praising him and calling his eulogies? Trust me, except the man is just selfish naturally, he will succumb to her desires immediately 😀 This is how it is with God and He is always pleased with people that acknowledge Him.

Another epic song for me! Omo Baba means Child of God. This is a song that expresses the acknowledgement that one is a child of God through faith in Christ. God created the universe and in the scripture, it says the earth is the Lord's and its fullness thereof. So, because of this, we have the freedom to walk as we want. This song is like understanding who you are and being part of God's family, you have the freedom to do as you wish in Him because His love is amazing.

All songs are Youtube's properties and it is my way of sharing with Music Lovers in the community.

Thanks for your time on my blog.


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