
Hi everyone.
Hope we are all doing well?
Twin are important people in the society that are known to bring goodluck to there parents. People see them as double blessing from God. Most people are afraid of giving birth to twin because of the expense of taking care of them. According to my song it mean there are foodstuffs and all it takes to care for them and I'm not afraid of giving birth to them

And in my second song I talked about how children are clothes to their parents in which they cover themselves with. The Society believes that any woman who those not have child is just like being naked and no one to continue her generation after she leaves the world. Even the bible made us know that children are inheritage of the lord.
This song is a typical cultural, tribal and a song of the Yoruba dialet mostly sung for twins when given birth to in yoruba land in Nigeria.

I was able to explain he the meaning and the melody of this particular song, and I'm glad I was able to achieve that.
Do you know what? I'm really glad that I am successful in the posting of this kind of video.
I really appreciate your presence here.
Kindly enjoy this musical piece.



Hola a todos.
Espero que todos estemos bien?
Los gemelos son personas importantes en la sociedad que se sabe que traen buena suerte a sus padres. La gente los ve como una doble bendici贸n de Dios. La mayor铆a de las personas tienen miedo de dar a luz a mellizos por el costo de cuidarlos. Seg煤n mi canci贸n, significa que hay alimentos y todo lo que se necesita para cuidarlos y no tengo miedo de dar a luz.

Y en mi segunda canci贸n habl茅 de c贸mo los ni帽os son ropa para sus padres con la que se cubren. La Sociedad cree que cualquier mujer que no tenga hijos es como estar desnuda y nadie para continuar su generaci贸n despu茅s de que ella deje el mundo. Incluso la biblia nos hizo saber que los hijos son herencia del se帽or.
Esta canci贸n es una canci贸n t铆pica cultural, tribal y del dialecto yoruba que se canta principalmente para los gemelos cuando dan a luz en tierra yoruba en Nigeria.

Pude explicarle el significado y la melod铆a de esta canci贸n en particular, y me alegro de haber podido lograrlo.
驴Sabes que? Estoy muy contento de haber tenido 茅xito en la publicaci贸n de este tipo de video.
Realmente aprecio su presencia aqu铆.
Amablemente disfruten de esta pieza musical

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