AFRITUNE WEEK 119- You Do This one Cover by Godaddict [ENG/ESP]

Hello everyone I am back again for this week's Afritune contest. I'm delighted to be here although my health is really telling on me but I blessed God for life. In everything give thanks thats what the Bible says right?

The song I'll be doing is a danceable song and I am sure you'd love it馃槉馃槉馃槉.
It is titled You Do This One and it's done by Mercy Chinwo a Nigerian Gospel artist.
It's one of my best song for this year and I am glad to sharing it in this community.
Personally each time I get to hear this song it sends signals to my brain telling my whole body that it's time to dance馃槉. I can remember when it was first released It was literally on repeat on my phone.
I wasn't satisfied till I was sure that I have danced enough of this song. Even till now I can't get enough of it.
It's a song of thanksgiving for all what God has done.
You know there are things God does for us and it's beyond what we could ever imagine or fathom, seriously this songs tells it all.
Once again I invite you to dance with me

Okay let's gooooooo馃拑馃拑馃拑馃拑馃拑馃拑馃拑

Hola a todos, estoy de regreso para el concurso Afritune de esta semana. Estoy feliz de estar aqu铆, aunque mi salud me est谩 afectando mucho, pero bendije a Dios por la vida. En todo dar gracias eso es lo que dice la Biblia 驴no? La canci贸n que har茅 es una canci贸n bailable y estoy segura que te encantar谩馃槉馃槉馃槉. Se titula You Do This One y est谩 realizado por Mercy Chinwo, una artista nigeriana de gospel. Es una de mis mejores canciones de este a帽o y me alegra compartirla en esta comunidad. Personalmente, cada vez que escucho esta canci贸n env铆a se帽ales a mi cerebro dici茅ndole a todo mi cuerpo que es hora de bailar馃槉. Recuerdo cuando se lanz贸 por primera vez. Literalmente se repet铆a en mi tel茅fono. No estuve satisfecho hasta que estuve seguro de haber bailado lo suficiente de esta canci贸n. Incluso hasta ahora no puedo tener suficiente. Es un canto de acci贸n de gracias por todo lo que Dios ha hecho. Sabes que hay cosas que Dios hace por nosotros y est谩n m谩s all谩 de lo que podr铆amos imaginar o comprender, en serio, esta canci贸n lo dice todo. Una vez m谩s te invito a bailar conmigo Vale vamosoooooo.

   ****Song Lyrics****

Oh, oh, oh, oh
You do this one o
You do this one o

Aye, yeh, yeh (aye-yeh-yeh-yeh)
(Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh)
Aye, yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh
(Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh)

When I think about the things that You've done
My imagination has turned to reality
Oh, my God o, You do this one o

I am godaddict 鉁岋笍
Lover of Good music.

鈻讹笍 3Speak

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