Hello all Africans all over the world and lovers of good music. You are welcome back for the edition. Music is the reason for this season. If there is no music then the whole world will be very boring and we won't love to be here.
This is another week with great expectations for us.


For the topic this week, I strongly believe that music is a very strong medicine to our souls. We can't deny the fact that we enjoy music and it has really helped in getting us out of one emotional problems or the other. Sometimes when we get into big trouble that gets to us emotional and we can't run to anyone for help, our music is always there to provide first aid to the problem so as to keep us calm while we awaits the solutions to that particular problem. God in His wisdom decided to bless us with good music so that when we feel that we are not going forward anymore because of troubles here and there good music can help us out of it.

I will be using myself as an example. I once got into this problem that almost finished my money at a time. I didn't know how it happened so fast that I lost lots of money within some days. That got me thinking and I was worried for days because I have already calculated what to do with that money and now it is gone. I also consider how long it took me to make that amount of money. all of these resulted to getting me emotionally down. Even when I tried sharing the problem with some of my friends, they all blamed me because it was my fault and I don't know who else to turn to.

Music became my friend. When the thought of music came to my mind I quickly downloaded one and used my ear phone. Once the music started even though the problem was still there I got some relief and that was the beginning of healing tommy heart. I still went on to get the solution to that problem but at least I have been relieved that I do not carry a heavy heart around. From that day on I always run to my music when ever I am in trouble just to get some relief.

Whenever I can't have access to good music when I get myself into trouble, I will develop a heart problem that will linger for a while before I will get myself. And that is the reason why I love charging my phone so that I will easily get my music when ever I need it. That has made me have this attachment with my phone even when I am sleeping my phone will be playing music in the background for me. I will be hearing the music from afar and it helps me when ever I get up from the sleep.

Good movies also works but I can easily listen to music even when I am in the public places but I can't watch movies when I am in a public places.

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