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Jungle Boys- "LA Kush Cake" - End of Week-4-Veg

Hi All,

So, yesterday was end of week 4 of veg. in the LA Kush Cake grow...

Last week I topped the plant (1st Cut)...

This week I topped the plant for the 2nd cut, leaving me with four mini-tops and four fan leaves..

I will repeat the process one more time this week, to give me 8 mainlines....

Here is how I feed, water and spray:

End of Week-4-Veg: Jungle Boys (and Girls)

For this grow I am using the entire line of Fox Farm nutrients based on the schedual below:

(Source: Fox Farm)

Week-4-Veg., Feeding 2x per week -0.1 gallon of water for each plant. I also water 2x per week in-between feedings

3 tsp per gallon of "Big Bloom"
3 tsp per gallon of "Grow Big"
1 tsp per gallon of "Boomberang"
1/2 tsp per gallon of "Kangaroots"
1/2 tsp per gallon of "Wholly Mackerel"
1/4 tsp per gallon of "Kelp Me Kelp You"
1/4 tsp per gallon of "Open Sesame"
2 tsp per gallon of "Flower Kiss"
Flower Kiss foliar spray 2x per week; 30 min before lights-on.

100 Watt, Mars Hydro LED at 3 feet distance, 20/4 light-cycle
75°- 80°
60% - 66%

Check-Out the previous post on this subject.