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Tip it up Tuesday, Eh?

I know you just say me yesterday. Here's how it started.

Took almost an hour just to get that Sausage and Mac an Cheese. Had to field day the sink before that ever got underway. Gotta trade trade time somewhere, pHuck the dishes most the time. Bigger projects to fry.

I saw that @skylinebuds had thrown some lettuce in with a lady. I'm not sure how it's all gonna go either but I have tomato and cutting flowers in as well.

So next up. Gonna upsize the flower spot, and get that seedling area in primo condition. Maybe.

Almost forgot. Plan was to use the Ecency platform seeing as how all the photos are from the phone lately. But jeez that was just not a good interface for me. Didn't happen. Another one of those pHucking things huh.