Not An Autoflower After All OG?


Hey Weed Nerds! 7 days has passed since the last update, and the plant is looking great! Hard to believe that it started out as a runt. I started out this solo grow thinking it was an Auto flower which is ideal for the way my back patio is situated. With the 2 story building, the sun is blocked for parts of the day, causing a lot of confusion for a photoperiod cannabis plant. Well turns out I had the wrong seed in packaging that I thought was White Grape from @bifbeans. However there could be a couple things it could be. A while back when I was growing White Grape, it got pollinated during the Big Mack project. In that case it would be a cross of WGxBM. The process of breeding to turn it back into an Auto would be a huge undertaking, and TBH not even sure how to go about it. That would be something cool to read about.

Another possibility is it could be an old Steem Og seed that I just decided to throw in the WG packaging thinking that I would remember what it was. If I would have to wage a bet though, I would put my $$ on it being the WGxBM cross. But at this point it does not matter. I am just going to do my best with it, and try again to see if I can manage to do good with a Photo.

Still no signs of sex. Let me tell you that this plant stanks! I may have already said in a previous post that when I bring it in at night, it makes the whole apt smell like a sweet skunks ass. Sorry not sorry about that hunny, ;) I may just take a cutting from it, and let a buddy I know grow it out indoors, just in case there is an all star pheno here. The Grape has such trichome dense flowers, and the Big Mack has such a complex terpene profile, and not to mention some beautiful colors in the mid flower stage!

I've been holding back on defoliation, and so far have done very little. In fact I only have just cut a little branch on the very bottom. In the past I have gotten carried away with plucking leaves off. So this time I am see how it does with very little intervention.

In fact I didn't even want to bend it back, and Super Crop it, since that was also something I got carried away with as well. But that is something that I would say was a good call.

Check out what happens to these clips! A good thing to do is take them off before the plant snaps them. That way you won't waste them, and have more for the next grow. Or even the next bend;)

You can see once the clip does it's job, the plant is now growing in the way you manipulated to grow, and will not revert back. However if you take the clip off to early, it eventually will. So just remember to commit to the plan when you go about training.

So one big thing that I have done in the last 7 days was finally adding some fertilizer. I decided to go with a tad bit of fish fertilizer. It is high in N, and is perfect for vegetative stage. Another thing I did was add a little bit more soil to the pot. Today is a nice sunny day(about damn time!), so I think it was a perfect time to feed it.

As of now I will continue to bring in at night to keep under the desk lamp. I am thinking I really can not let this thing get any bigger. I soon need to make the call to begin the light deprivation to induce flowering, and allow it to get a nice steady amount of light during the day. Or I can just roll the dice, and let it grow. If it rots, it rots. But at least I know what I am dealing with, and I can take the measures to prevent that. the last one with the Steem Og that got really big rotted bad, but that was the year we had all those fires. The sky was filled with smoke for a whole month, and that could of been the biggest factor. Not to mention the ash falling on the flowers, most likely bringing moisture. Stay tuned for the next update, and see what I decide to do:)


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