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A Recreational Florida Soon...

With cannabis being medicinal here in Florida, things have gotten pretty laid back in terms of the public's perception of cannabis-related nonviolent drug offenders. Of course, this is mostly from social media, yet the public's opinion there is slowly shifting for the better.

The elderly folk in the state of Florida has generally had a different opinion than I, generally against cannabis. With around 300,000 medicinal users and probably millions of illicit users, people are pretty optimistic about the benefits of CBD and other related chemicals. Many elderly medicinal users are also in support of the deregulation of cannabis. Perhaps, over the next few years, as more medicinal users use cannabis as a safer and healthier alternative to opiates, the public's opinion about full recreational will improve.

It's hard to say where the future of cannabis will go in the state of Florida, but I think we may see recreational marijuana ratified around 2026, with some battles in the house.

Good luck to us!

Much Love, Much WEED, Much Peace!