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It's time for another round of Steem OG...I'M EXCITED!

This will be my 3rd time growing the fabled Steem OG strain, and you're going to want to follow this crop! I plan to grow 2 large indoor Christmas trees (instead of my regular 4 to 6 plants), and harvest them in January, before the arrival of my new baby!

Here's a few shots of "Ace", my favourite Steem OG plant, from the first time I grew this strain. Thanks to @jonyoudyer for originally producing and sending me these seeds in 2018.

This strain is a hybrid of hybrids of hybrids, and the THC content has been dialed up over time. As you can see by this under-foliage shot, the trichomes cover all surfaces of the leaves and stems. I found it very easy to produce a lot of sticky-icky with my usual method.

Some of these photos weren't ever uploaded before. "Ace" was so photogenic, I ended up with more shots than I could use in my posts! So here's some you haven't seen.

I'm definitely looking forward to bringing you a lot of great images over the next 4 months.

"Ace" had 4 flowers. This time, I'm only going to take 2 plants into flowering, so they can be a little larger. I might go for 8 flowers on each - we'll see!

Steem OG is certainly an enjoyable strain to grow. My last crop produced a hermaphroditic female, which ended up being a great learning experience, because I used it to produce naturally-feminized Steem OG offspring seeds. That's what I'm growing next, and because they will all be females, I won't end up with some of the headaches I did last crop.

There's a shot of "Ace" after drying but before curing in glass. What a pretty plant. The bud was clean and smooth, allowing the unique terp profile to shine through. It was a real Heinz 57 - almost every flavour you can imagine. Like "all dressed" chips, but "all dressed" cannabis! Peanuts, skunk, floral, cheesy, you name it. It's all in there.

Next Gen!

Last night I put 5 seeds in water (forgoing my usual "germination station" method).


(an underwater shot...)

At least 3 have already popped! The new crop is born, just like that.

I love plants. I love growing weed! I LOVE CANNABIS!

Grow in peace!