Leejie Electric Lighter Review can you use it to smoke weed?

Photo credit: me

I recently wrote a review of Leejie electric lighter. on my new blog. There are a few details I left out, specifically how it works smoking weed. I figured I'd post that info here.

So, can you use the Leejie electric lighter to smoke weed? The answer is mostly yes. It works great with joints and blunts. It's ok for bongs too but I don't recommend it for typical bowls/pipes. At least I can't really get it to work well with my pipe but I haven't put a lot of effort in trying so maybe there is a way to use it for that.

Overall ,I really like this product. I have had it for about a month and still haven't had to recharge it yet. As long as you switch it off when not in use the battery on this thing lasts a long time using it once or twice a day on average. I mostly use it to light candles .It's also my back-up lighter for weed (I mostly smoke bowls)

If you want to read the full review you can check out my blog post here

As always thanks for reading.


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