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$50,000 NFT? + I sold a NFT for 1800.00 WAX($366.30)

Apparently I may have a extremely rare NFT even by my standards, since currently my price of 50,000 is still the lowest ill smoke some Blue dream and attempt to convince you the reader as well as my self that something like this could be possible.

As well as unboxing some of my 4/20 supplies blue dream to be specific, I wrote this last night some ass hat again is downvoting shit 7x in a row. However the universe must hate this person as much as I do every time they mess with my posts I have ridiculously good luck. last night I sold a NFT for $366 & splinterlands gave me a land plot.


For starters high priced NFTs are nothing new to me I just never thought I would be the lucky one to claim ownership.

Is my new NFT worth more than a brand new car, simple answer no right? While you're not wrong this particular NFT has thrown me a curve ball, I have never encounter much less owned an NFT this rare, only hearing about certain NFTs like certain Art projects or a crypto Kitty. Since I am realistic I always assume that the price was going to rapidly decrease as the number of available NFTs of this type basic supply & demand. While yes the collection has slightly decreased in value since yesterday the number of this particular NFT Template has remained at 8. Once I woke up to find that my price of $50,000 USD was still the lowest listed on the market. Not only that but even with the only prices being 5 to 6 figures the other 5 owners have yet to list theirs.

No reasonable person would keep a NFT that is worth even a 1/4 my listing price($12,500), that is a lot lot of money in my area This I am uncertain about how something like this could even happen.

This is why I decided to check out the odds for finding something like this NFT in Exit Limbo, beyond that how many packs are opened if possible how many of these NFTs can be found total.

First off I was able to ascertain the actual Classification of this NFT while yes it is Mythic rarity as I stated yesterday, however I have found that the NFT is actually a song from a album called meat head and what is on the title card or larger below is the Musicians seal of authenticity.
The name of the exact song is (Rail Yard Turf) by Metahead credits Giovanni Cantele, Dario Casillo, Filippo Mussini

Now that I have established the class of the NFT I was able to learn quite a bit about the market for this collection and finally found a sale of a similar NFT album similar but slightly less rare with a total of 12 and 1 sold for $500.

I also finally established rarity and the odds of getting a Music NFT from the Exit Limbo collection is either a 1.25% chance in every pack of 15 count Exit Limbo NFTs. In the 30 pack of Exit Limbo NFTs it's a little bit better odds with a 2.5% chance

610 out of 1,050 30 count packs have been burned or opened, the 15 count packs has had 839 out of 1,550 burned so with a little less than half of all the packs left unopened. And only 21 of the music NFTs all together have been found 13 of which are the Transformer type

Mine is the less common type with a total of 8 in circulation, judging by the sales records of the more common Transformer type, and the overall rarity combined with the popularity of the Exit Limbo collection I believe I have enough information to guess the price range. Assuming of course worse case scenario and they double in the total Number circulating I'll Hazzard a guess the lower price point should be around $300 the higher price point is still difficult to determine.

Given that the maximum supply is information not yet available I will have to make a educated guess from what I have witnessed in the NFT market and how unique an asset like a song NFT is. This isn't the first example of a Song NFT the Album by Justin Blau sold for $11.6 million at the time the most expensive NFT sale on record this record was actually just broken for most expensive NFT ever sold by the artist Beeple that sold their digital Art piece for $69,000,000.

Couple of things that are not quite as good for my NFT price, 1st being this is a single song not an album, the second being the sales mentioned above took place on the ETH network. So if you take the $5,000,000 in gas into account its a little less impressive.

This being said I am actually not the only user on WAX with a Exit Limbo Music NFT that has a price over $10,000 USD. In fact in the more common classification of the two the cheapest market price is $566.

Honestly I am probably going to be listing it at $5,000 USD, and I'm so excited to have ever had something this rare.

The very first time I had to find a way to price something that was literally one of the most expensive NFTs on the market & I own It.


Blue dream Unboxing

Given the upcoming holiday & the fact I apparently own a song now worth a little bit of money, this felt like a classy dispensary run day. Amongst some other party favors I got an eighth of blue dream, sealed in this little jar instead of a basic bag. Also a bit better for the environment at least in my case containers are always useful until they break. It also has the added benefit of child/pet proofing lock.

harvested on 2/16/2021,This specimen of Blue Dream With a tested level of THC at 19.08% and CBD 0.05%. Sativa dominant hybrid (60% sativa/40% indica) The taste and sell as always is on point I come to find out this pot somehow made in California. Which is great because the recreational Cannabis market around Michigan is sketchy if you seen flint on the news its state wide.

The type of chlorine added to the water was altered a few years ago to reduce evaporation from the water treatment facilities.

A cost cutting measure that caused flint and has effectively contaminated every county in Sothern Michigan. The infrastructure was and still is old but many of the led pipes couldn't handle the new chlorine acidity and this caused Flint Michigan to have a catastrophic failure. The other systems where and are still contaminated until they break as a home owner and a contractor I know this situation doesn't bode well if your intention is not to smoke led, Nickle & other not so fun stuff.

I could taste the quality difference this is why I kept going back apparently Michigan weed just doesn't stack up in comparison

The flavor is clean and has feint notes of spice and citrus two very difficult terpene profiles to correctly develop in cannabis typically the skunkier flavors are easier to develop even in imperfect conditions.

Strong buzz great for convincing yourself your NFT asset is worth $5,000

Collect social hits main page for wax dapps

The first social nft collection completion site is moving forward with their project quite quickly just signing in daily can earn you crypt or nfts and completing nft collections roadmap is expanding their plans to allow for rewards with value soon

Single claim airdrop

I try to include a single claim airdrop url for WAX wallet users containing free NFTs, It may only be claimed by the first lucky person to click the link. After claimed once the URL will no longer be active.

Please let others know the link has been claimed in the comments it helps

4/20 Air Drop

Sorry to sound like a broken record about this but I'm just making sure all my readers know this 4/20 I'm doing my second NFT airdrop. First 42 people to leave their WAX wallet address on my Weedcash post on 4/20 Titled 4/20 airdrop get exclusive event only NFTs & a NFT joint with WAXP reward to burn.
Stocking up on 4/20 Airdrop supplies

More free wax nfts this service that could be really helpful for new users looking to get more assets.

If you want to purchase any of my thousands of NFTs they can be found here including Splinterlansd, the new alien horrors, Bitboy comics, legends of NFT, & Exit Limbo.

Or if your still not profiting from this free hive game might want to start