Cooking With Cannabis ~ The Classics


Acapulco Gold is one of the most sought after, rare sativa strains. Very difficult to obtain, good luck finding a stash that isn't a pretender. Possibly the most renowned sativa on the market, partaking in the Gold rush draws parallels to {insert your favorite food coupled with a relaxed dining atmosphere here}. Its effects are uplifting and euphoric. No couch pushing with video games after ingesting this classic. Beautiful pallet, fire red-orange curls, bright greens and browns with a plethora of resin on the bud. Tastes a bit like a heath bar when vaping, the scent reminds me of an old-school ice cream shop from a decade or two before I was born. Yeah... I'm talking that kind of blast from the past. Acapulco Gold does not disappoint, good on taste, scent and effects. It is certainly not a surprise why these nugs are difficult to come by. The delectable traces it delivers to your pallet, leaves you yearning for more. To quote the great Moe Syzslak:

"Its like there's a party in my mouth and everyone's invited."


I was recently able to experience some genuine Acapulco Gold a friend of mine procured, absolutely delightful. Very nostalgic. Fun times, her and I were looking all over her house for this copy of the original Anarchist Cookbook her uncle left one summer, which contains an awesome recipe for a cannabis based avocado dip/topping, suitably named for the occasion, Acapulco Green.



3 ripe avocados

3 tablespoons wine vinegar

1/2 cup chopped onions

1/2 cup chopped buds

2 teaspoons chili powder

Mix the vinegar, bud and chili powder together and let the mixture stand for one hour. Then add avocados and onions and mash all together.

It can be served with tacos or as a dip.

My review on that evenings food and cannabis combo meal:



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