Things get going for the new tent ~ Let's Grow Together #222

A look at one of my 2 x 4 tent, was in the veg stage and is now in flower, day 14. I missed to post the update due to my birthday last week, and yes it's day 14 using Floraflex beam 650 at 400-500 ppfd. In this tent, we have two Horchatas from Compound genetics and two Red velvet from Grandi flora. For nutrients, I'm using floraflex as per routine but also I'm going with the Bush doctor Coco loco plotting mix by Fox farm. The end results are much better than what used to be only with floraflex. Just a small change, but an effective one.

A heavy trim is to be done in the following couple of days.

Till then guys, Keep on Growing! ✌

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