Update 3 (Big Mack Superstar & Miracle Mack)

Good morning growing enthusiasts! Today will be week 5 and week 6 update.

The plants look happy today and there may be a couple of males so far. One is a definite male so I will take it out and it will go in the garbage so there's no risk of pollination to the other plants. The two males I suspect of being male are both Miracle Macks so I hope one of the other two will be a female.

Here is a picture of what the definite male looks like.

The other plant is not showing well enough to take out yet but I will definitely keep an eye on it.

It kinda sucked to have to pull the plant from its pot and the smell was amazing when I was manhandling it in the garbage!

I took one of the other Miracle Macks from the HPS side and moved it under the LED. I am impressed what this light is doing!

The leaves on the Big Mack superstar are starting to get huge! 👇

I am really liking this strain as the smells and their stoutness is really starting to come through!

It's a good thing the plants are starting to show their sex because I am late getting my outdoor strain going so I may start those this weekend.

Thanks for joining me on this weeks update and I hope you have an awesome day! Until next time, keep on growing my friends!

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