Summer Squash Cream Soup Recipe

Hey guys,

We're already in July, around middle of summer, our garden is full of summer squash, also known as courgette and zucchini.
Well, the difference between zucchini and summer squash, many times, is their skin color. Zucchini has dark green color and summer squash are light green color, yellowish...

I've cooked them in many ways already: fried summer squash, patties, veggie lasagna, in pasta, grilled and ofc, in cream soup. YUM!

Also, some kids are complicated when it comes to veggies. And cream soups are a good way to hide the veggies.
This way kids get their veggie intake and everyone is happy.


So today I'll share with you my recipe which is soo soo refreshing and delicious. And no, I'm not subjective. This recipe was amazingly delicious.
I was like: " Let's taste it", as I was pouring myself a ladle of soup. I was already full of other foods 🙄. But after eating the whole thing, I poured myself another two and eat it in a second. No crutouns, no nothing.

Here are some photos of our summer squash. They are huge and sooo many!


Caleb ate this cream soup with great pleasure. He likes cream soups in general, thats true. But he liked this one too, very much.


  • olive oil
  • one medium white onion
  • 1 big summer squash (I had a 1kg piece)
  • one potato
  • garlic
  • one bunch of green parsley
  • around 2-3 cups of water or chicken/vegetable broth
  • green dill (optional)
  • salt and pepper
  • coconut/veggie cream or cooking cream

This recipe is fully vegan if you use coconut cream instead of heavy cream.

Also, you can use parmesan in the end if you add. That adds taste and great consistency to the soup.



First, heat the olive oil on medium and saute onions and garlic.


Add summer squash and potato cubes.
Season with salt and pepper, I added oregano too. You can add the greens here as well.


Cover with water or broth but make sure to not add too much. I added a little to much and is not my first time. I've noticed summer squash, when cooking, tends to leave more liquid than other veghies and thats understandable. It contains over 90% water.

At the end, I had to take some soup out before using the blender. Else, I would have get a too liquid cream soup.

I added cream in this phase. Coconut cream or veggie cream works great in cream soups. I usually have veggie cream but this time I had any at home so I replaced it with cooking cream.


We served it, as usuall, with crutons or crostini.

Enjoy the recipe!









Stay healthy

Love, missdeli 💗

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