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Don't import scabs, rehire our own nurses instead . . .

If it doesn't concern them then they're not prepared to listen to anything they don't want to hear


The poor nurses who have suffered as a result of a medical aparteid. All for wanting to make an Informed choice.

The level of fear mongering and coercive behaviour that was used to cajole people to take an experimental injection.

For nurses who wanted to take a deliberated, and measured approach, were quickly targeted. If you didn't resign then you discharged under Gross Misconduct.
What a horrid label to have. Gross Misconduct is normally applied to those that have done something horrible. Suddenly, with that label, their future employment in the nursing industry is most likely finished.

Gross Misconduct is unacceptable or improper behaviour of a very serious kind, especially by an employee or professional person.

You are not only perplexed at the reaction to your polite, "No, thank you.", but you are now placed as a pariah. How despicable!

It is funny how an "industry" ends up standardising actions without a thought to long term consequences. Most of our environmental damage was done during the Industrial Age of dumping toxic waste into rivers, and land, with blind ignorance to the follow on catastrophe that happens (and is still happening).

One nurse I met was concerned years ago about how all new nurses were first taught how to deliver mass vaccinations. Are we blinkering our healthcare that it is a "one size fits all" approach?

The unfortunate situation with our Corporation Run world is that, a Corporation, must first put their share holders first. If you just do a search on, big corporation's criminal convictions, you will find evidence that proves that they have put their profits before health. If the fines delivered for the crime, is smaller than the profit made, then it was a good business decision.

What about public backlash? They have deep enough pockets to run a publicity. People cannot maintain anger for too long - until they forget.

Pfizzer Documents


You never know what people know. To those initiated it is just par for the course.
Did you know that the Pfizzer & Guvmint wanted to lock away the documents for a very, very, long time?
Did you know that a persistent group to them to court to have the documents released?
Did you know that the release was a drip-feed that would have taken decades? And that the group had to go back into court to have them released faster?


Well, do some digging if you like.

My favourite is the Post Marketing document& the 9 pages of potential adverse effects. Not to mention the spontaneous abortions and the manipulation of what Effective actually means from a research point of view.

Control Group

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When I heard that some countries were following their own protocol responses, I thought that it was a wonderful thing. If you have many paths to find a solution then it provides an opportunity to evaluate the data to find that solution.

However, as there became a more focused, "one size fits all", approach. My alarm bells started to go off.

Wouldn't a % of the population that remained different from the rest provide the best form of caparative data. If one group, was "surviving" the same as the other group, wouldn't that provide an insight that the propaganda was wrong?!

Down the Rabbit Hole

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In Today's world, I guess it always occurs, has occurred, and is occurring, that uncomfortable truths are what allow for the greatest of atrocities to happen.

Once you scratch the surface, to look beyond the day-to-day, to can quickly fall down the Rabbit Hole to discover a great many Truths that will pop your version of reality.

It is disconcerting to have to break down your establish mental constructions. To deconstruct and to view the world with a new lens.

How many of us are now starting to join together to build a raft. Our very selves are the flotsam. We are set adrift to find where we belong. To build ourselves in our new found image. A kind of death and resurrection.