GIVEAWAY | SORTEO #38 ~ 1,100+ Starbits (ends April 21)


Hello, rising stars! 🤟


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@scfather @thecuriousfoolx1
@aemaez @beyondhorizonmm @cazando @dubble @henruc @joykyot @pix21 @thegoliath @zottone444x2
@adie44 @azj26 @dewabrata @rondonshneezy @uggyax4
@assasinos3 @nyssterx7
@hatdogsensei @szmobacsix8
@asrullpare @nocturyx9
@junnos @rentaw03x11
@luckaneitor @thurawinkyawx13
@diochen @eijibr @jonimarqu @lordanquekx14
@amaillo @tertiusx16
@supriya.gupta @yepspeyx20
@dyson-the-booper @frax97x24
@blesker @eddwoodx28

Welcome to the new participants! If you commented in the previous post but don't see your name here, please let me know. Thank you all for participating!


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🌟 @beyondhorizonmm 🌟 You won 1,200 Starbits!

Transaction ID: d8893d4b22f9e81b38519683d731eca8c3806b3b

❗If you didn't win this time, remember that if you participate in the next giveaway you will have 1 extra chance.
❗Si no ganaste esta vez, recuerda que si participas en el próximo sorteo tendrás 1 oportunidad extra.

🍕 GIVEAWAY #38 🍕

PRIZE: 1,000 + (your tickets x 100) STARBITS
ENDS: April 21 @ 23.59 UTC


  • To participate, you only need to comment --It can be anything you want--, and you will be given a ticket.
  • Every time you participate in one of my giveaways you will get +1 ticket.
  • More tickets means more chances of winning and more starbits.
  • Once you win, your counter will be reset to 1 ticket.
  • You have time to participate until the date given at 23.59 UTC. I will comment on the post informing that the giveaway is closed.
  • Every comment after I close the giveaway will not count.
  • Upvoting, following, or reposting is not necessary.
  • In every post, I will include a list of all the participants along with their current number of tickets.

🍀Good luck

🍕 SORTEO #38 🍕

PREMIO: 1,000 + (tus tickets x 100) STARBITS
TERMINA: 21 de abril - 23.59 UTC


  • Para participar, solo tienes que comentar --Puede ser lo que quieras--, y obtendras un ticket.
  • Cada vez que participes en uno de mis sorteos recibirás +1 ticket.
  • Más tickets significa más chances de ganar y más starbits.
  • Cuando ganes, tu contador se resetea a 1 ticket.
  • Tienes tiempo de participar hasta la fecha dada a las 23.59 UTC. Voy a comentar en el post informando que el sorteo está cerrado.
  • Cada comentario luego de ese anuncio no contará.
  • Votar, seguirme, o repostear no es necesario.
  • En cada post voy a incluir una lista con todxs lxs participantes junto con sus números de tickets.

🍀Buena suerte ;)

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