I'm Finally Going To Be A Rock Star (and earn some crypto while im at it)


Hi Guys,

Its been a while, but i have mostly been focusing on actifit and gaming - and actually getting my work done in real life.

But i discovered a new game called Rising Star and i'm loving it. I finally get to have the music career i always wanted, if you haven't heard of it yet go check it out here.

Here's my take on the game after playing it for a week.

Rising Star Game Review


  • Game Type: Card / Simulation
  • What do you need to get started: A hive account and a rock star attitude.
  • In-game currency: Starbits - but there is also potential to earn other hive-engine tokens.
  • Raw Talent Needed: Zero
  • Fun Factor Pretty Awesome

Despite being a card game you can get pretty far without purchasing any packs or cards.

The storyline is simple, you a poor struggling artist and you have to build your career to become a rockstar. To level-up you need to complete missions which will award you with XP and starbits. You start off with buskering mission and when you eventually earn enough experience, skill, fans and luck you can dable in open night mike and eventually headline gigs.

XP, Fans, Skill, and Luck can all be gained through experience and completing missions or buying cards. You also get temporary boosts in the form of drunk fans, finding items such and four-leave clovers, pizza and coffee for energy replenishment and im sure a bunch of other stuff im yet to discover.

Its really list of fun, check the game FAQ's for more about the gameplay.

Extra rewards for achievements


You get extra rewards for unclocking mission golas. I just scored my fisrt card and now have a pizza box to keeo my cold pizza! Super chuffed about this.

Game Progression

My strategy with crypto is purely organic, i only have what i earn. (side-note: Not because im cheap, but because im trying to prove my husband wrong. He said i would make zero money from steem when i registered, so im in to prove him wrong - but i digress.)

I registered on the game in June, but completely forgot about it. I saw a post on the start this week and started playing actively. Already

Effort Level: Low

Yes i said effort low, I'm a busy women. Low effort is what i look for. Low effort is what i like. You just turn it on in the morning and check in now and then to start your missions. i've eraned over 1000 starbits this week and 20 battle, plus 1 card using this strategy.

Overall Rating: 7/10

The game is still a bit buggy, but the game play is mostly smooth. The devs are aces though, making improvements day by day and quick to tackle said bugs. The discord channel is also pretty interactive and because the game is so new, devs are looking to players for some new ideas. and actually listening to some of them. How cool is that??

You just one click away from being famous

Come join the fun and start your journey to rockstardom now!.

Rockon Hivers*
Much Love From Sunny Cape Town, Mimi Smarty Pants

Rising Star - Play For FREE, Earn Crypto & Tradable NFTs on HIVE!

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