Building the Rising Star Wiki: Help Wanted! ⭐

Hello Rising Star players, fans, and supporters.

I've been toiling away on a little project: building out a wiki for Rising Star!

🎸 You can visit it here: 🎸

I've populated it with 32 pages so far, filling in things that I've learned about. But a wiki is never the work of just one person. Anyone who's willing can help!

This post outlines some of the ways you might be able to help, as well as an initial rationale and vision for this wiki. And if you have wiki management experience, we could definitely use your input!


πŸ€” Why make a wiki? On a web2 platform no less?

Good questions!

Why a wiki: A few days ago, Rising Star surpassed 5,000 users. It continues to grow and bring value to the Hive ecosystem. More and more people arrive in the Discord chat and ask the same questions over and over. The support team handles it all just fine... but if this momentum grows I can see the need to have a more robust "self serve" solution beside the game's FAQ.

Wikis are excellent for organizing information too. To find helpful posts here on the Hive blog, you need to do some serious searching. With a wiki, we can build out a nav and discovery process that can give new and seasoned players alike a much nicer experience.

Why use a web2 service like Fandom: First, I'm pretty sure there is no wiki platform here on Hive. If I'm wrong or if that changes, by all means we should import the content from Fandom!

Second, building out a solid wiki on an established platform like Fandom can help with game discoverability outside of web3. There's also some SEO juice that can be developed by creating a good wiki!

πŸ—ΊοΈ Initial vision for the wiki

It's pretty simple: a community maintained repo of Rising Star strategy, tips, info, and guides.

I'd like to make sure that we link back to the great stuff written in this community and others (e.g. OneUp, LeoFinance). This will elevate the profile of the Hive Blog alongside Rising Star itself.

The wiki won't seek any formal resources from Rising Star itselfβ€”@atomcollector et al. are busy enough developing the game! This wiki is ideally supported wholly by the community.

πŸ”¨ How you can help

🏊 Dive right in if you want

Anyone with a Fandom account can edit this wiki. There are types of user permissions involved, but I'm not very familiar with how all that works (yet). You don't need any special permission from me to get started, though if you have ideas for big big changes, it'd be appreciated if you initiated a discussion about it first!

  • Leave a comment in this post
  • Find me on Discord: jfuji#0169
  • Use the Fandom community tools (each wiki page has a 'Talk' version, and there's a broader message board system for the whole wiki)

πŸ“œ Check out the to do list

You'll notice that the sidebar of the wiki has a list of things that we could work on. Here are the details on each.

🎡 Finish baseline content 🎡

Rising Star has a lot of things to think about. Here are the 32 Pages I've written so far...


... But there's still way more to do. I've not gotten into detail about things like the individual Missions, Music Promoter, Record Staking... etc. Writing articles or suggesting topics is welcome!

🎡 Link / create more guides 🎡

Here, you'll find a paltry few wiki-native guides as well as an "Archive" of community-created guides. I'd love to fill out the archive more, and invite anyone to author new guides either on the wiki directly, or here on Hive.


If you've written a great guide, feel free to mention it here in a comment and I'll add it (assuming it's decent quality). Or, go ahead and add it yourself!

There's currently no place for "My Rising Star Progress" posts on the wiki, but... no one's stopping anyone from making that! πŸ˜„

🎡 Improve formatting 🎡

Making the wiki look nice is not in my skillset. Templates and advanced formatting elude me. So if you have wiki skillz and want to tidy things up, please don't hesitate!

🎡 Improve navigation 🎡

I cobbled together the main nav based loosely on what I think would be helpful. It's not set in stone. Also, there are many other clever ways to make navigation and discoverability work nicer on a wiki. Again, not my skillsetβ€”halp!


🎡 Improve design 🎡

Erm, see above re: skillsets. πŸ˜…

🎡 Add more images 🎡

I know how to do this, but it's wooorrrk. I prefer writing! Currently, the wiki is a little drab and without helpful imagery. Remember to include attribution, and let's get some pictures in there!

πŸ€– Programmatically add card info πŸ€–

It'd be amazing to have a page for every card, with proper categorization. But I'm not manually writing each one, nor should anyone else! Most card/NFT info should be publicly available on Hive's blockchain. Someone out there definitely knows how to run some quick queries to generate a nice CSV, I'm sure. From there, you need to run some macros or spreadsheet formulas to convert that into the proper MediaWiki markdown.

I haven't found a way to bulk add pages to the wiki, so there may be some manual copy-pasting involved.

Of course, there may be an even easier way to do what I'm describing. Anyone up for the challenge?

Not listed: Fix the inevitable mistakes

I wrote a bunch of stuff, and I guarantee you there are typos, inaccuracies, confusions, and ignorance! And as more folks contribute... well, we'll want some editors.
Thank you for taking a look. Open to any and all feedback! And of course, if you know your way around a wiki, you can just go in and start remaking it however you'd like πŸ˜„

🎸 Visit the RS Wikihere: 🎸

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