Rising Star Giveaway R100, 46 and 40 (pack)(ends 5 November) Weekly Giveaway #2

About my progress

In the last giveaway I was telling that I unlocked the Band Auditions. So far I've only unlocked 2 new band members as shown in below:

2 band members.jpg

(so far my band members are Barney, mouse and Stig)

I'm glad I unlocked these 2 as it gives me progress to the next area. But I have to say I've been quite unlucky as the mission mentions its a 1 in 5 chance to unlock a new member, so on average that would need 20 tries. I've done 39 right now and I'm doing the 40th right now. But that's alright as it's all part of the game. I'll eventually get those 2 other band members and complete my band!

band auditions.jpg

Winner of last Giveaway

@zenitsu12 is the winner of the last giveaway, he/she will shortly after this is posted receive his/her new cards!


About the giveaway

Just comment down below with the hive account you want to receive the cards if you win the giveaway.
(Also depending on what packs I open, if for instance I get a whole week with good cards I might giveaway a beethoven or something at some point)

Giveaway week2.jpg


Rising Star

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