Rising Star - x12 Card Pack Opening & Progress Update #29

Hey friends! I hope you're all well! I'm sorry my post has been so delayed, life has been quite busy for me (plus I felt lazy) πŸ˜‚ I haven't opened any packs recently so didn't have the need to get the update out, but I'm itching to crack some open so we gotta!

our ranking slipped a tonne recently as our missions haven't been as active and of course, new cards people most likely open a tonne of packs in comparison to my 1 x 12 pack every so often.

Damn another EPIC pull! two in a row, the luck is finally coming in it seems after many many months without any πŸ˜‚ I hope it'll keep up and or improve, let's get us a legendary next time πŸ‘€

I did get a lovely improvement to Starbits, too bad we had a bunch of drunken fans/ego for the day so the overall result for that mission ain't accurate but we can still use that information to see the improvements!

Thanks for reading guys, catch you next time!

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