Music news + Giveaway 10000 starbits N°47




News from the world of music

Beautiful statements from Keith Richards.

Keith Richards hit pop music and rap hard. He also told things about his personal life. So we'll have some fun.

He commented that he never liked Pop and that he considered that music "garbage."

Textually he said: “I don't want to start complaining about pop music. It's always been trash. That's what it's about. They make it as cheap and easy as possible and that's why it always sounds the same; There is very little feeling in it.” He said this in an interview with the British newspaper The Telegraph.

About Rap he said: “I don't like being yelled at and told it's music, also known as rap. I have enough of that without leaving home.”

Too bad that I don't give an opinion on other genres like electronic music for example. We would have statements to have fun for a week.

I don't think that's how things are. I believe that every song created by a human transmits a feeling. That we are not interested in what inspired the author or that we do not investigate what he wanted to convey is another question. If we are not interested in studying that, we only hear noise and it is not wrong to do so either.


"Chris Martin anticipated when Coldplay's next album comes out.

"Moon Music" will be called the band's next album. Chris Martin in the middle of an event with fans said that it will be released in May 2024.


** Morat will perform in Spain.**

The Colombian band announced that it will perform in a single concert at the Atlético de Madrid stadium on June 21, 2024. I like that Latin American musicians spread their music throughout Europe.


Music video of the day.

Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit. Source YouTube.



I'm going to give away 10,000 starbits, if you want to participate just write the name of your hive account in the comments of this post.

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Noticias del mundo de la música

Hermosas declaraciones de Keith Richards.

Keith Richards le pego a la música pop y al rap duramente. También conto cosas de su vida personal. Así que nos divertiremos un rato.

Comentó que nunca le agrado el Pop y que a esa música la considera "basura".

Textualmente dijo :“No quiero empezar a quejarme de la música pop. Siempre ha sido basura. De eso se trata. La hacen lo más barata y fácil posible y por eso siempre suena igual; hay muy poco sentimiento en ella”. Lo dijo en una entrevista al periódico británico The Telegraph.

Del Rap dijo:“No me gusta que me griten y me digan que es música, también conocida como rap. Ya tengo bastante con eso sin salir de casa”.

Lástima que no opino de otros géneros como la música electrónica por ejemplo. Tendríamos declaraciones para divertirnos una semana.

Yo no creo que sean así las cosas. Considero que toda canción creada por un humano transmite un sentimiento. Que no nos interese que inspiró al autor o que no indaguemos que quiso transmitir es otra cuestión.Sino nos interesa estudiar eso solo escuchamos ruido y no está mal hacerlo tampoco.


"Chris Martin anticipó cuando sale el próximo disco de Coldplay.

"Moon Music" se llamará el próximo disco de la banda. Chris Martin en medio de un evento con fans dijo que saldrá en mayo de 2024.


** Morat se presentará en España.**

La banda colombiana anunció que se presentará en un único concierto en el estadio del Atlético de Madrid el 21 de junio de 2024. Me gusta que los músicos latinoamericanos difundan su música por Europa.


Video musical del día.

Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit. Fuente YouTube.



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