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Rising Star Campaign #4


One more week passed in my campaign at @risingstargame.

This week I reached level 35 (more 4 level from my report).

Finally, I can jump for Local Gig Circuit zone. However, now I need the Mid Range Acoustic Guitar card to be able to start to do the first mission on this zone.

In last report, I tell that my strategy was to trying to reduce my ego to lower than 10% but I did not reached this little goal (currently my ego is 13%).

Last Thursday, I was again present in the @itharagaian and we played Marbles that I like a lot.

More players from @risingstargame should go to the giveaway to try to win some cards but the most important to have funny moments and interact with everyone in the chat.

People that are present starts to know each other and starts to chat about the game.

My strategy for the next week will be continuing to balance my ego to be lower than 10% and try to buy the Mid Range Acoustic Guitar card to start to do mssions in the new unlocked zone.

I wish you all a good game with a lot of fun and hope to see you in my next weekly report.