My Campaign on Rising Star


I decided to write about my experience and even leave some ideas about the game.

I started playing Rising Star about two weeks after I spoke in the Hive Portugal community.

I haven't played computer games for about 7 years, but I decided to join the Rising Star.

My experience so far is good even though I went through a change of rules in the game even when I was adapting and learning how to play.

In these two weeks I managed to evolve to level 22.
Initially, as the ego only appeared after level 20 or 1000 fans, my strategy was to reach level 20 as soon as possible without paying attention to music lessons. Now, my strategy is to create a balance between the ego and my skills.

The biggest difficulty I'm feeling is getting enough fans to do the most advanced missions in Home Town like Saturday Support or Saturday Headline.
But with persistence and patience I will be able to reach that level.

Last Thursday I participated in the @itharagaian live stream, something that was new to me, as I had never watched a live of people playing games.
However it turned out to be a pleasant time, because @itharagaian is interacting with the chat people making it dynamic and funny.

One of the things that fascinated me was the solidarity project that uses the ECU token that he did.
This led me to think about trying to create something related to charity here in Portugal using the blockchain, thus being transparent to all the people where the donations go (but this still has to be well thought out and defined, because I am having trouble getting it done. way of having donations).

Thank you very much @itharagaian for this charity project.

Game improvements

During my game experience I started to identiy some improvements that I want to share.

  • Mobile App
    It would be interesting to have a mobile app to play on the phone.
    I know we have the possibility to play through a link generated by the site but if we put the link and leave afterwards when I come back I can no longer play again which means that I can only play on the computer.

  • Marketplace
    In my opinion, the marketplace is not at all user friendly if we want to do research and if we are newbies who do not yet know the card types. Another filter that would be useful is that we can filter by the specific tokens that we want to use, for example starbits.

I have a possible idea how this issue could be changed and help to be more user friendly.
If the team is interested I can share with them the idea for them to assess whether it would make sense or not.

These ideas should not be seen as critical to the game, but rather to try to help the continue to evolve.

I hope that the Rising Star will remain here for a long time and evolving more and more.

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