Picking a Nice Card to Give Away <--> Rising Star Packs Opening & Giveaway #256 (Win NFTs)

Welcome to the Rising Star Packs Opening and Giveaway video! The reason why I'm doing this pack's opening videos on Monday is because I hated Mondays and doing something pleasant on that day makes it much better! :) There is no better way to do that than to open some packs, get some nice cards, and give away some of them to you guys! Sharing is caring! :)

On the other side, the opening part wasn't that interesting as I didn't get any EPIC or LEGENDARY cards (again!), but I did get a nice VEHICLE card that I will give away to 1 lucky winner in the next video... Also, in this one, I pulled one winner of those two RARE cards from a few days ago!

Don't forget to check the giveaway inside the video... The rules are easy, you check the video, find the pack from which you have to choose ONE card, and put the name of that card in the comment section! The lucky winner will be chosen by a random picker inside the NEXT Rising Star video!

Check out the video for more details!

If you are not playing this game, you can sign up here

Thanks for watching!

Music by: Heyson .:. Royale


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