New Cards For June 2024! <--> Rising Star Packs Opening & Giveaway #259 (Win NFTs)

Welcome to the Rising Star Packs Opening and Giveaway video! I know that this is not a "standard" RS News video, but I have to share the news about new cards from June! I can't wait! As every month, on the 1st day, we get new cards in the Rising Star game, and this month wasn't different... The only difference was that I didn't open any packs until today, and we are already on 4th day of June! How could I? :)

Anyway, here we are, and at the beginning of the video, I went through new PEOPLE cards that are new, just to check out and find out which ones I seek in the packs... That makes it more interesting... :)

I have given away a great EPIC card to one lucky winner from the last video, and I opened 24 packs in this video... I have to admit that I didn't expect to get 2 EPIC cards and an additional, new VEHICLE card that looks amazing!! Btw, if you want to check out ALL new cards, you can take a look at the official live stream video from the moment of adding cards on the chain here!

Don't forget to check the giveaway inside the video... The rules are easy, you check the video, find the pack from which you have to choose ONE card, and put the name of that card in the comment section! The lucky winner will be chosen by a random picker inside the NEXT Rising Star video!

Check out the video for more details!

If you are not playing this game, you can sign up here

Thanks for watching!

Music by: Heyson .:. Royale


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