Chopper For Grabs! <--> Rising Star Packs Opening & Giveaway #216 (Win NFT)

You can't get an EPIC card in every opening post, mister! That's something that I have to repeat to myself occasionally... Like, for example, this time... 😃 I wanted to write how I didn't get any EPIC card for some time and then I checked my last posts, and saw that I did... Last time, and before that, and... 😃 So, no whining this time! But rather, better luck next time!

Also, I have to say that on Monday and Friday, I opened 24 packs, which is double the amount I did today... So, take that into consideration too...

Also, I didn't want to wait for pack No10 to pick one for the giveaway, but I have rather picked the first nice pack that I found the most useful for you guys... But, you have probably guessed which card will be given away by reading the title of this post... You just have to check down below what are the rules for participation!

Packs OPening and Giveaway.jpg
created in

So, let's do things as usual... Firstly, let's pull out the lucky winner for today!


The winner is @rtonline! Congratulations! Both cards are sent (Lavender Kit and Ryker)!

Finally, I have opened 12 packs as usual, and I did a screenshot of packs where you can pick 1 card between the two specific cards (look under)!


So, pick between IC 54 and Lavender Kit, and you will be eligible for the giveaway where I will send the picked card to the winner and the third card from this pack (Classic Chopper)!

You can check the rest of the packs that I have opened here:


Not too shabby rewards today... The best NFT is probably the one that I will give away to one of you guys, the R393 Classic Chopper vehicle NFT, which will bring 400 Fans to one lucky winner... 😃

See you in the next post!

If you are not playing this game, you can sign up here


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