Rising Star - Status update #67 Raves Goes Soon

Hi Hivers, are you OK?

Just like the announcement - Raves Goes Live on FRIDAY! We have finally arrived. I have been studying Rave mode for a while and have witnessed its progression day by day. Initially, the more fans players sent, the higher the chances of winning. However, strategies have since emerged.

It seems that there aren't many new players joining Rising Star. I believe this is because Rising Star already has a high threshold for newcomers, resulting in a player base consisting mostly of experienced players. Some of these players may not be interested in trying Rave mode because it requires investing more StarPro to play strategy cards like RV1 Police Raid or RV2 Hoax Call. While top-ranked players can still earn rewards, others may not have the same opportunity. Rave mode may become a playground for top players, leaving others at a disadvantage.

By the way, I hope that Rave mode can attract new players to join Rising Star, but I haven't seen that possibility thus far. I suppose once Raves actually launches, we might have a clearer picture of its impact.


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