Rising star game: 17 august 2 cards giveaway instead of one(winners announcement)

I got 1 cards pack by completing 500 missions and decided to giveaway card to the rising star community.

I'm super excited to open is it but I do that tomorrow. I want to giveaway 1 cards
but question is which one?

so here is deal.

  1. let's suppose I opened random card pack and got 1 rare 2 common cards I'll giveaway 1 common card.
  1. If I'll get 1 epic card and 2 common then I'll giveaway both common cards.
  1. If I'll get 1 legendary and 2 common I'll giveaway both common cards and 1 rare card from my collection.


according to my this post I should giveaway 1 common card, but I'm giving away both common cards.

Total participant are 14.


Lucky Winners

  1. @lethalqueen
  2. @flr25




Big news

I'm starting Rising star game meme contest this week. complete detail of meme contest and sample post will be published tomorrow.

Participate in meme contest win a 1 Rare and 2 common cards every week.

Thank You For Visiting Post . Good Bye.

Here is my other post's about rising star game.

Rising Star Game:How I Unlocked 4 Band Members And County Tour Zone?

Rising star game: Temporary Redemption From Ego.

Rising star game: how to keep fan ego skills balanced?

Rising Star Game: weekly contest announcement rules and rewards

The rising star: Yahoo... 500 Missions Completed And Got 1 Random Card Packs.(Giveaway)

Rising Star Game: the crafting tale of an average player.

Rising Star Game: Let's craft RSTAR DIIII Drum kit

Rising Star Game: I get discarded pizza whenever I complete a crafting mission.(discarded pizza should be exchangeable).

How To Become A Superstar Player On Rising Star Game.

Rising Star Game: Just Achieved A New Milestone By Completing 400 Missions.

To visit my blog click Here.


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