Cold pizza to Boost your energy

Cold Pizza to boost your energy.jpg

During the last days, I believe I have explained about 3 times how to get energy boost from cold pizza in Rising Star. Now I think that there are other players out there who would like to know how to do it :-)

Why cold pizza slices?

Cold pizza slices are booster cards that allow you to refill your energy to 100%. Use 1 pizza and your energy will be back at 100%. The great thing about these pizza slices is that they regenerate every 24 hours. Therefore you can use them over and over again. The number of cards is not limited. So by owning 5 or 6 pizza slices, you will probably be able to play the whole day without runing out of energy.

What are pizza boxes for?

When you play the game, you have a chance to find a pizza slice that will refill your energy. However if your energy is almost full already, these pizza won't help much. That's why you need these pizza boxes: to store the pizza that you might find in the game.

Always use the full boxes first!

The tricky part of buying cold pizza slices

When beginners try to find the cold pizza slices they always first go to the market place. Let's say the Rising Star marketplace is not exactly the place where you find things easiest.

There is a much easier way:

  • Go to Cards


  • Select Boosters
  • Click on Cold Pizza Slice
  • On the pop-up click on market
  • Select the best offer and buy


Cold Pizza Slices are in my opinion the cards that you should buy first because they allow you to play more often and therefore to collect more starbits.

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