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¿Who the hell has the Keys of @adm? ...I dunno, but I reckon the witnesses will have to find out and tell us! (Chapter I)

Hello people! in my last post I said that soon I would delight you with a series of highly illustrative, educational and provocative posts about a transcendent subject where you surely were gonna learn a heap of new essential things on the blockchain.

Mainly with the intention to make that an useless gang of brainless, stubborn and obtuse specimens who are idly wandering around our blockchain, we collectively are gonna make them cry disconsolately nonstop for ignoring us, ignore good manners of coexistence in harmony and ignoring what we have been warning them from long time ago without paying attention to us. And well, today has come the time for the first lesson in which we will try to remedy this shituation. So, ¡Pay attention, please!

¡Almost seven years as a beta tester!

Did you know that @adm, one of the biggest downvoters and serial killers on our "social network" in this crypto ecosystem, this user/account is a witness of the Hive blockchain? Yeah, he currently occupies the position No. 224 on the witness list with barely 3 votes from @rivalhw, @cieliss & @shaggoth. ¿Did you really know?

And did you know that @adm is an account that belongs to the early ninja miner @abit who is also a witness of our blockchain that currently occupies the 17th position in the witnesses list in Hive?

Yeah @abit, an early miner of steem/hive that along with the vast majority of the current Hive witnesses who occupy the top 20 positions as block processors on Hive, they basically all came from have been witnesses and Devs on the Bitshares blockchain from the beginning. Yeah, I bet you already have now a better idea where their big HP stake and influence in the Hive blockchain comes from, right?

Obviously, none of them had to invest too much fiat money from their own pockets as a result of the sweat of their brows to get the current influence and immense HP stake that they now hold and with which they claim to use it in our "social network" for our benefit as the main tools to distribute hive tokens and real prosperity, happiness and freedom among the rest of the plebeians who contribute with their content, time & effort by trying to grow the platform and with the hope to make a decent life within this ecosystem and thus make them even richer. ¿Am I wrong?

¡Check this revealing video!

Pay special attention to the 1:30min ~ 1:40min of the video. That's how you'll understand better what I'm talking about.

Alright! let's check now a few revealing statistics:

@adm HP delegations:

Serial Killer

VESTS: 3069.38MVESTS: 227.02MVESTS: 147.31M
Proxy VESTS: 0.00MProxy VESTS: 3.75MTotal VESTS: 3652.57M Total HIVE POWER: 2051152.32
@adm uses @oflyhigh as a voting proxy.@abit uses @oflyhigh as a voting proxy.@oflyhigh voted 24 witnesses, and has 6 slots available.

Yep, all three are active witnesses with a say in our blockchain. @abit in the 17th position, @oflyhigh in the 43th position and @adm in the 224th position in the witnesses list. All of them making arbitrary, useless and unholy decisions on our blockchain.

Do you know which are the only accounts/users that @adm always upvotes at 100% of its voting power regardless of the useless crap they post every day on our "social network" on the blockchain? Ha! only to @hbd.funder & to @oflyhigh. ¡Wadda surprise! ¿Huh?

Oh! and the worst is not only that. The worst is that @abit has stupidly granted the "Posting Keys" of @adm to the most nefarious and hated users in the entire ecosystem from long time ago. An useless gang of brainless idiots and assholes who are ruining the experience for everyone in the ecosystem. And with whose constant abuse, unfair harassment, costless attacks, senseless arbitrariness and blatant thievery gladly spreading unjustified downvotes everywhere to everyone, they are to blame and the main responsible for the bad reputation and low growth of our "social network" in the cryptosphere.

With such appalling behavior, ¿how the hell are we supposed to achieve greater adoption of our ecosystem, onboarding new users, attract new investors and make that our hive token reach better values and a higher appreciation in the crypto markets? ¿Huh? Yeah, I suspect the current top witnesses are going to have to clear things up for us sooner rather than later. Otherwise this "social" project is doomed to failure.

No wonder that the in the way things currently are here, Hive is never reviewed in the mainstream media and mentioned in the most relevant videos, articles and high level conferences everywhere in social media which talk about promising crypto projects on internet with a modicum of interest and success as excellent investment opportunities and adoption.

Okay, with all of the above already said. I believe that now is just the opportune moment for you to learn everything that I have come to teach you in this educational post today. It is about time that we all forcefully exert all our influence and power as stake holders in the governance within the ecosystem no matter how modest is or has been our investment over time. Now we're gonna learn a bit about:


Yeah, first of all, «click» right away on the title of the picture above to visit the website and check and review some extremely interesting data and hints to make the right decisions of what I am going to suggest you in the rest of this article.

On that website you can snoop a little on the history of these witnesses. Who has voted for them so far, their achievements, activities and contributions on the network and some other extremely interesting statistics about them.

For example, can you notice that weird black icon immediately to the right of their username? Yep, if you simply hover your mouse pointer over that black icon, you can easily and effortlessly identify which of those witnesses are currently powering down and drawing their HP, influence & wealth off of the blockchain.

Once that's done, you can then check on for how long these Witnesses have been doing that and also check other interesting stats on their behavior if you're curious enough. Yeah, everything on behalf to learn a little more in depth about those who govern us if it's that they wish to have our support.

In second place, just «click here» to visit a website where you can easily and effortlessly verify for whom and how many witnesses you are currently voting. And from the same place, unvote & revoke your vote right away to those who don't deserve your suport and/or rather give your conscious vote supporting to those witnesses who actually do deserve it. Yes, there are always some who deserve it more than others.

The only thing you have to do once you have «clicked» on that link to visit the website, is enter your username and in few seconds you will see for how many witnesses you have voted for so far. How many votes you still have left of your thirty available votes to have a say in the governance of the platform. And even verify for how many witnesses you are and have been voting for all this time who are inactive from long time ago wasting your vote.

In the same way, you can also enter the username of any other account on our social network. And then snoop around a bit for which witnesses they are voting for. Well, only if you want to satisfy your curiosity and gain some useful knowledge about your more fierce competitors and your best friends and allies on the blockchain.

In third place, and just to take advantage of the opportunity that you can learn as much as you can of what I'm gonna teach you in this first chapter of the series of educational posts that I plan to share soon. Also «click» here. And in this website, that you probably didn't know before, you will also learn which Hivers are currently delegating their HP to these top witnesses and big whales and above all, to who the hell these millionerds are delegating their early ninja-mining HP stake to increase their wealth and influence in the chain without them doing anything for the benefit of the entire community. Yeah! ¡Just enter the username of the usual suspects!

A new hardfork (HF27) is around the corner. And in my opinion, it is about time for all of us to act resolutely in the healthier and fair governance of our ecosystem. Large and small users alike. I have not the slightest doubt that we must avoid at all costs that the current ongoing plutocracy and technocracy that dominates us at the moment be definitely established taking root and extending itself forever over time.

The large honchos of the ecosystem are well aware of the great advantage that grant them having that huge wealth of the early ninja-mining that they obtained without much effort nor financial investment in the early PoW days of our blockchain.

And they know very well that their vote on anything is at least 10000x stronger and effective than the poor vote of the majority of us, mere mortals, on the fate of our blockchain and its currency that we all contribute to creating daily keeping the illusion alive that one day we all will be successful and financially independent.

Therefore, we all have to take decisive actions in the governance of this current DPoS system asap. To fight and quickly defeat once and for all the visible corruption of the current technocratic oligopoly whose rampant nepotism is clearly stagnating and threatening the survival of this otherwise pretty promisory social project, cryptocurrency and community.

They swear that they still have at least thirteen years to maintain their power and conserve their wealth intact and increasing in order to get it out of the system before the apocalypse strikes. They prefer to recruit and hire slaves to manage their opulent Alt accounts to earn greater "curation" rewards daily by granting HP delegations left and right and paying four cents to the poor bastards who accept to take charge of making them even richer operating nonstop their early ninja-mining.

They just don't have the time nor the will to do the same things they tell us to do. ¡WTF!

And all that wealth and profits beyond and in addition to all the HP they already earn daily as Top Witnesses processing and verifying blocks with transactions? Transactions that only exist and are possible to process and verify, thanks to the constant activity and interactions that we, the mere mortals, produce here every day. ¿Hadn't you realized yet?

They yap all the time about decentralization, Web3, Censorship resistance, unstoppable developments, feeless transactions of only three seconds, a brilliant economic future. That we are the best cryptocurrency and most worthy community project in the entire cryptosphere ready and soon to reach the moon to make us all rich and financially independent by our tireless and immeasurable efforts creating valuable content. Creating innovative dApps, developing new projects, shilling, promoting and advertising the chain everywhere for free attracting and recruiting more gullible people to make them even richer by processing and verifying our transactions and interactions in the ecosystem... And well, I better stop here so as not to get angrier.

Is it that perhaps they really believe that most of us do not realize their infamous hypocrisy? That everything they sell to us is nothing more than a fallacy, a simple utopia, a mere wishful thought, a pure wet dream that can never materialize if they allow things to continue as they go?

How the hell they are gonna achieve "decentralization" in this current DPoS system? If it is already well known by most duly informed in the cryptoworld that the main red flag and first obstacle to overcome in the DPos protocols as systems of governance in the blockchain to achieve true decentralization, is precisely the proliferation of plutocracies and technocracies only voting for each other with their huge stake and the formation of opulent cartels who buy votes or try to bribe everyone to stay in power indefinitely?

Is it that they truly believe we are not aware that Coin holder interests and user interest are not naturally aligned? That regular users have to buy coins from coin holders to use the blockchain? That coin holders would prefer if users had to pay more while users would prefer if they had to pay less to have the same influence on the governance of the blockchain?

Is it that this does not create more inequality, authoritarianism and distrust in the ecosystem to enthusiastically invest our time, efforts and resources to participate in this blockchain with a minimum of security and guarantees that we could eventually succeed?

¿Why don't they take the occasion of the next hardfork to make significant changes in the code to create a true democracy on equal terms for all of us with the same privileges and influence in the governance of the blockchain, its success and its fundamental destiny? By instance, adopting the policy of "1 account = 1 vote" regardless of the value of our accounts or the amount of HP stake that we may have in our wallets? ¿Wouldn't that be really fair, innovative, revolutionary and democratic?

¿Wouldn't that produce a true and authentic decentralization? But yeah right! ¡Wishful thinking! They are more than willing to give up their power, privileges, influence, wealth and current advantages just to show and prove the world that their fictional utopia and tireless narrative of the myth of "decentralization" is actually feasible and certain. ¿Isn't it? LoL

I don't really mind if these spoiled and rich childs have hundreds or thousands of different Alt accounts to try to game the system and get away with it. I just know that we, the mere mortals, we are many more than them and they could not defeat us easily if they only had the balls to dare to make the simple change in the code that I'm proposing.

I know and I have always known that we are the true creators and generators of wealth, value and prestige that still keeps this mirage and project of "social network" alive on the blockchain. And that if they don't decide soon to make the radical changes that the ecosystem needs and requires to be fixed correcting the obvious abuse, corruption and rampant current autocracy trying to impose their whims and way of thinking on others forcefully & arbitrarily. That only would make that this whole "decentralization" WEB3 euphemism will go to shit sooner than they expect.

Well, I have already said, predicted, prophesied, anticipated, announced and warned of the serious risks they will run if they decide to ignore us. So, if they choose to ignore what we are describing so clearly in this post, then, later, do not complain or be surprised by the undesirable results and logical consequences of their reckless and wrong decisions.

Yeah, the Orcas and Whales have been specifically chosen on the merits of their ability to give wealth to others. Those who give and "curate" the next wave of dolphins are and should be entrusted with wealth. Those who simply hoard and do nothing to grow Hive, shouldn't really be trusted. So now go and vote for a worthy witness right away!

But yeah, the same old same old. Friends only do business with friends. Self-interest and circlejerking is what makes a community!

I'm well aware that by writing educative posts like this I might not even make 2 cents in my content here anymore, but I could care less because I am here only to give my 2 cents from now on. They pushed me to do this because of their high indifference and stubborn reluctance to improve and fix the current shituation. And unless they reconsider and take the appropriate measures and effective actions on the matter, this is going to be the trend in my content. More and better educational posts for everyone. In and out of the blockchain.

So, in conclusion. Just stay in tune and keep attentive to the Chapter II of my next educational posts. I assure you that you will learn a lot of new things that you didn't know before but you always wanted to know. And last but not least, to close this post. We are going to leave you here with a very interesting and revealing video with which I hope and aspire that all those who have read entirely and carefully consumed this educational post today, can reflect in further depth on everything they must have learned today.

¡Watch & Learn!

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"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf
