Introduction About me

there am zohaib tariq.i am freelancer by perofession ux/ui designer and wordpress developer from last 3 years.My passion is to discover the beauty of nature,travelling to mountaineir area's and food of diffrent traditions,photoghraphy is also my madness here you can see some of my click about my work office_pic.jpg

My daily routeen of work start from 9 am and close according to my own beacuse i have no boss, my all work on project based.Its my short intro about my work.

                            **Travel history**

Few days ago i visited the nothern area's in search of beauty of nature so i vistied the most famous place in nothern area's in my country some of clicks of my tour is here you can see,

after that i visited my favourite lake uper kachora lake

i am addicted to such places where the scenery of nature is scattered every where.
This is my two day tour's short story i will give full datiles in my next blogs.

                     **   Traditional food of northern area's** 

i am food lover and i like delicious foods of local food streets and all other traditional foods after visit of diffrents places, i felt hunger and i ate the traditioal food of there ''mandi ''

             this is my short story i hope all of you will be entertain with it.
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