50mm Street Photography from Saigon Chinatown 🇻🇳

Back to my favorite street photography location, Cholon also known as Saigon Chinatown.


That's where the life drama unfolds clearer than in the more glossy city center.


Probably, that's not good for the local people since life in the capitalist jungles of socialist Vietnam is tough. But for the photographer, that's a good place to be. Besides, people are emotionally open there and look happy when you approach them. No matter whether you ask the consent or not, Cholon is great for taking photographs of strangers.

With Consent


People sometimes ask to be photographed in Vietnam. They do it just for fun. Usually, they don't even look at the shots and don't ask to send them on Facebook. That's just for the joy of action.

The shot above, this is where I learned a small but useful lesson: if someone wants to be photographed, start shooting immediately to document the joy of this tiny venture before the models freeze with V-signs and fixed smiles. That was what I did, and I feel happy about the image. I sometimes did it before either but, this time, I realized I must use this idea as a rule.

But every rule has exceptions.


Look at these "bros" and you'll understand what I mean.

The story was this: I was walking in a random direction in Cholon, and noticed these guys and the interesting composition they make up. I glanced at them and changed my mind - I decided it would be too emotionally difficult to communicate with them for me. I mean they are "bros" and I am just a person. 😄

The guy on the sacks probably noticed my photo interest to them and I heard his voice behind me: "You!" (Vietnamese have this charming habit 😀 to address to foreign strangers with short "you!" 😄).

It was a short but positive interaction. Love the picture, let me be honest.

And another person, a bus driver, who asked me to photograph him 🙂:


Without Consent

I was standing and watching people and traffic moving against an amazing street photo background. This background:


And then a boy and his (hypothetical) mom appeared near me. When he made this, I couldn't help but take a photograph:


That peculiar pose, the hand lock over the head, happens in Vietnam. Maybe, I am wrong but I notice it here and don't remember it as a regular thing in other countries... No?

At the same spot, I noticed girls passing by me and I did a good shooter's work: an instant move with the camera and that's it, the photo:


Keep walking!


Poultry Street

The abundance of fruits and vegetables can be enchanting, but such markets seem to be not the best place for photography - not interesting (imo). Poultry is different. 🙂 To me at least.


Especially when poultry hangs out on city streets.


That's already something else:


I guess that may be about cockfights. They were checking the reaction of birds to each other, like, if they were aggressive enough...

Keep walking along Cholon's amazing streets!

Charm of Tilted Awnings


I've already written about how much liking I have for tilted storefront awnings and signs in Vietnam. But I am ready to repeat: an amazing thing. And I didn't correct the tilt of my image above to follow this beautiful Vietnamese habit. 🙂


Okay, it's often nothing is tilted, and it's fine too:


Women Love Red Nails in Every Country Because...

It was the end of the walk, I was tired of street photo communication, but I liked the scene:


When I was quite near to them, I took a photograph and immediately closed my face with my hand's palm (giggling behind it). 😄 I did it to avoid eye contact or anything else in case they noticed me - I was too tired.

Yes, women are women, they love beauty.


Like red nails. Red nails are considered beautiful because... They look like strawberries? No idea! Your answer in the comment section, please!

Generally, Vietnamese love bright colors. And I saw old ladies with toenails painted in blue and purple.

That's Cholon


Amazing area for street photography. People don't stop their life just because you are a foreigner because Cholon is visited by travelers as a top off-the-beaten-path destination.

At the same time, people aren't tired of us so they are more welcoming.

And, as everywhere in Vietnam, they are great as models for street photography. Many of them don't mind being photographed; they also don't start long conversations. Someone can ask where you are from and how you like Vietnam and that's it. People don't spend their and your time on meaningless questions like "Are you married" and "How many brothers and sisters do you have" (like it happens in India, for example).

That's fantastic, happy!


Cholon is gorgeous but I am having a break, I don't want my love for that district to burn out. Preparing a story about colonial architecture heritage! 🙂

More stories from Southeast Asia are ahead! Check out my previous posts on my personal Travelfeed or Worldmappin map.

I took these images with a Nikkor 50mm on a full-frame DSLR Nikon D750 on June 9, 2024, in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

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