Random pics of the week


Photo by me

Photography as an art has its rules and fundamentals, taking into account many aspects to be able to compose an image but, even so, there is the freedom for each person to compose an image in their own style, without having to be faithful to those rules, so that one can innovate in some sense.

It is as I show in this publication a series of photographs that I have taken during the week, in certain circumstances where it awakens in me to capture what I see. Mostly I used the technique of high contrast and monochromatic in the photos, perhaps because I am very interested in those images where the shadows, lines and shapes of the figure or motif of the photographic capture are denoted in great detail.

Something that is characteristic of the first photo of the cover of this publication, that if we move the image with the mobile phone or computer, we can appreciate certain kinetic movement, by the architectural forms of the building, and although it was not the main intention when taking the photo, in the end I had this interesting result.

Photo by me

Photo by me

The interesting thing about setting the camera to dynamic range and high contrast is that if you take pictures where the sky is visible, the clouds are more vividly outlined, as if you were a painter putting more emphasis on your brushstroke.

This is an aspect that attracts my attention in front of such a photographic configuration, because it can compose other free perspective of the photograph, q the one we usually usually compose and capture the photo. It is part of our creativity to try and look for new alternatives in this kind of art, as beautiful as photography is.

Photo by me

Photo by me

All photographs are my own and were taken with a Canon T3i camera.