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Valentine couple clicks 😁 & their moods (from steamy to Damn!!)!

"By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher." - Socrates

LOL. So - Socrates thinks that valentines may probably be not happy after marriage?

Perhaps true for humans but when I look at the wild world, that does not seem to be true. I have often found birds/animals which are in a 'Valentinish' mood and stick together with a lot of care and compassion. That does not mean that they do not have mood swings in the relationship though!

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Here I will present some pair pics that I have clicked during my wildlife photography outings and quote my interpretation of the moods of the couples - See if you agree 😀

Starting with ....

'STEAMY relationship' mood

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These two parakeets seem to be almost about ready to get a room ! 🤣

'Stay away from me!' mood

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Can you believe it that it is the same parakeet couple but in a skirmish mode? 😀

'Warm and cozy with each other' mood

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These two barn owls sat together for hours on cold winter night. Just so comfortable with each other...

'Giving each other space' mood

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These ferral dogs were together on this beautiful beach but were giving each other space to do their own thing.

'Just being with you is heaven' mood

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Sometimes, couples in love just sit silently and relish the moment. Each partner understands the moment and the feelings without a word. Just like these tri-colored finches.

and finally,

'Damn - where is my lawyer' mood!

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Don't these spotted owlets look like they have had a fight and are both looking for a divorce lawyer? 😂

I really had fun watching these wildlife couples. Capturing them together took many days and attempts but in the end, I think I got some nice clicks. I also enjoyed imagining their moods 😀

What do you think ? Do you agree with the moods I have captioned? Have you attempted or would you attempt anything like this in photography? If so, please share your experience in comments.*

Please comment freely and let me know your opinion. I will try to bring many different types of wildlife photos/macro/Astro posts to the community. Feedback and comments are welcome,. I am still learning many techniques and always value feedback from experts in this community.

Have a nice day everyone. Cheers!

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