Discovered an amazing feature today!

Namaste to all #hivers 🙏

I am not a professional photographer nor do I have a camera but still, I am in a love affair with photography. Like an average lover with less money in his pocket but a heart full of love. And since I have recently fallen in love with photography, just like any relationship in real life, I want to give it my best shot.

Every time I saw the amazing black and white photography here, I used to think about what should I do so that my photos also come out as good. Because till now I was unaware that black and white photos could also be taken directly, so I used to make normal coloured photos black and white through editing later.

Then today after looking at @tommyl33 's entry on Phone Photography Contest, I came to know that there is an inbuilt feature in most phones (I guess) by which the camera will take black and white photos directly.

I know some of you might be thinking how basic and common this is, everyone always knows about it. But here I will quote a sentence from the first paragraph of this blog "I have recently fallen in love with photography" and since we have just started this relationship, we are both still trying to know and understand each other.

So as soon as I found out about this feature I got excited to take some nice black-and-white shots. In the pictures shown below, you can also see some greenery along with the sun, although my main objective was to take some clear pictures of the setting sun, but I liked these pictures better with some greenery.

By the way, the heat here is so extreme that it is almost impossible to see the sun clearly in its shape even in the evening. I don't know the technical reasons as to how I was able to take these pictures, but perhaps this might have happened due to focusing on the sun instead of the leaves.

You can also see a slight vertical lens flare in the photo below. I don't know the reason for this either. But looking at this picture I felt as if I had not taken a picture of the sun but the universe had taken a picture of me. 📷

I had taken these few pictures with 5x zoom, in which the size of the sun was much larger than normal. I know these are not that good pictures and maybe if I had taken pictures of some other object it would have looked better which I will be doing in the coming days.

At one place, I saw this window-like space among the leaves of a tree, but it was at a little height, so I zoomed the camera a little and captured the sun with its aura.

By looking at the picture shown below, you will be able to understand how the sun today looks here even in the evening. The sun shines bright without a single cloud in the sky and you just see this extremely bright light without any shape.

By chance, if I haven't already mentioned this, then let me tell you that I have taken all these pictures with my phone. I hope you like these pictures.

Thank you for visiting my blog and reading it. Generally, I keep writing blogs on life, nature, gardening, food and travel.
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  1. English is not my first language. So sometimes I use 'Google Translate'. Please don't think that anything I have written in this blog has been copied from somewhere or is AI-generated.
  2. All gifs are created by @irisworld and @untilwelearn
  3. All the other content images and words are mine unless otherwise stated.

That's all for today.
Have a Happy and Blessed day!

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