A Happy Kine

Good Tuesday, everyone!

Today I'm sharing with you a few photos for the #treetuesday initiative by @old-guy-photos, even though there are more animals than trees on these shots...

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It was a hot and sunny day in the province A Coruña, in Spain. The lunch time was near and the animals were hungry, so the farmer accompanied them until their feeding site.

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To make sure the excursion would go well and no cow would get lost, a couple of black dogs were hired to serve as bodyguards. 😆

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The little dogs had no fear of these huge animals and stuck really close to them, making sure they would stay in the road.

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With such fine and efficient help, there was very little for the farmer to do. He basically just had to walk with the group while enjoying the view.

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These cows sure had a good life: free water, free food, free lodging, no conflicts, no confusion... all of this just for some daily milk in return.

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I hope you enjoyed these photos! See you next time!

LocationO Vilariño, A Coruña - Spain
CameraPanasonic Lumix DC-TZ90
Photos6 (Edited with GIMP)


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