๐Ÿ“ท The Herb Enthusiast

Hi, my beloved buddies.

I was recently in the nearby forest in the early morning hours. The only thing I can do when I get a severe headacheโ€”which, for me, is virtually always brought on by neck tensionโ€”is to take a leisurely stroll in the outdoors. I happened upon an intriguing group of plants during my walk, which I completely haphazardly identified as wild garlic.

Greetings, dear friends.

Recently, I spent the early morning in the nearby woods. The only thing left for me to do when I experience these tinnitus-like headaches, which are almost always caused by tension in the neck region, is to cuddle up next to nature. During my walk, I came across an interesting collection of plants that I completely unconsciously identified as a bรคrlauch.

So without further ado, I took a picture and sent it to the "faltermann" plant expert and hiver in rest mode. Through the Messenger, I could even virtually sense how he must have raised his hands above his head. Because what was once thought to be a field of wild garlic was actually a clump of poisonous autumn crocuses (photo above). However you can readily tell the two species apart if you are familiar with the plants.

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Likewise, I took a quick photo and sent it to the "falterman" who is a plant expert and a hiker in a relaxed state. I could virtually see the messenger and feel how his hands must have been pressed together over his head. :-) Because the mysterious Bรคrlauchfeld presented itself as a gathering of the deadly gifted Autumnal Dead (Foto oben). However one can distinguish between the two types if they are familiar with the plants.

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Now I was sparked by knowledge. I travelled with faltermann in the alleged Heavenly Kingdom the very same week. I've just been given a precise introduction to the world of welders here. The fact that everything is already essable and is being treated like unkraut is astonishing. Sincerity be told, I would not have allowed myself to dream about that. The table is naturally quite generously covered.

I quickly got on my bike to carefully put everything I had just learnt into practise following that. I went into the forest in the charming Grรผnenwรถrt. The spring was definitely heralded by the wood anemones, which had already burst into glorious bloom. I didn't go very far, though; after only a hundred metres or so, I had to halt since I came across a sizable plantation of wild garlic. a genuine gold vein. X times I have rode past the location without noticing this natural gem.

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In addition, the deadnettle on the cover image (on the left) is edible. The deadnettle resembles a cobra that wants to pounce on the lovely blue flower;-)

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The taubnessel on the title image (links) is also essable. The snake-like creature resembles a cobra trying to snare the lovely blue flower.

I'm actually pretty good at identifying mushrooms. These are really photogenic, but not this species, in my opinion.

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I already have some familiarity with Pilzen. However, not with traps and pigeons. Yet one might reasonably infer the Biesters. ;-)

I hope you enjoyed my brief excursion into the Franconian countryside. Everyone who hasn't heard my most recent single yet can view this YouTube video. Regarding responses and helpful criticism, I would be extremely pleased.

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I hope you enjoyed my brief stroll through the fanciful landscape. Anybody hasn't heard my most recent single yet can take a listen here. I would be really interested in responses and constructive criticism.

๐Ÿ”Š ๐Ÿ”Š ๐Ÿ”Š Follow @topics-guru ๐Ÿ”Š ๐Ÿ”Š ๐Ÿ”Š

Photography Lovers,

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