Meet Casey , Little Red Riding Hood

Have you heard about Little Red Riding Hood? I don't know which version you have heard because in the original version of the story, Little Red Riding Hood has been eaten by the wolf and is being deceived by the wolf, who pretends to be her sick grandmother. Poor her and her grandmother, because both of them are being eaten by greedy wolves. Source

The version later tells that the wolf didn't succeed in deceiving her, and later, at the end of the story, the wolf was dead after being cut with a woodcutter by her with help from her grandmother.

Actually, the truth is that the little red riding hood is the same person who pretends to be the wolf to kill her grandmother. OMG, story spoiler. LOLZ , Just kidding. Well, there were many versions of the story of Little Red Riding Hood; some were very dark, and some gave children a good story, especially to teach them not to talk to strangers.

Me and the team, @gideongys and @bluekinabalu, joined a photoshoot with this team at a popular Wetland in our place, where Casey was our model at that time.

As usual, the photoshoot went well, although there was a lot of mosquito at that time. Lucky for me, I used mosquito repellent, so I didn't get bitten as much as I did on my previous trip there.

Casey is super friendly. There was no actual ice-breaking between photographer and model because we had worked together in our previous shoot, so she was not shy in front of our camera.

This was some series of her photo at that time , i hope you enjoy it .

Thanks for stopping by . I really appreciate that . :).

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