Capturing the chaos and beauty of spring

Spring has officially sprung, or so I thought. Just when I was ready to swap my winter coat for sunglasses and bask in the warmth of the sun, mother nature pulled a fast one on us. It's like she can't make up her mind! One day it's all sunshine and rainbows, and the next, we're back to building snowmen or ducking from lightning bolts. Remember last April's surprise snowstorm? At this point, I'm convinced the weather has a personal vendetta against predictability.

Winter was an absolute tease this year. I found myself yearning for those storybook snowy December of my childhood, where the world seemed wrapped in a perpetual snow globe. What did we get instead? A fleeting glimpse of snow that barely lasted a week. Each morning, I'd wake up to a sprinkle of snowflakes, my heart swelling with hope, only to watch it all vanish by noon, melted away by an unseasonably warm sun. So much for winter wonderland nostalgia.

This year, I've decided to adopt a new strategy: embracing the chaos. I'm rolling with whatever meteorological curveballs are thrown my way, be it scorching heat or bone-chilling cold.
Who am I kidding, though? Deep down, I'm secretly yearning for a dramatic thunderstorm, complete with awe-inspiring lightning and the kind of thunder that rattles your windows. There's something about capturing the raw power of a storm in a photo that just gets my adrenaline pumping. Yes, I might pretend to be all zen and at one with whatever weather comes our way, but give me a good storm-chasing session any day.

But let's not stray too far from the true purpose of this article: celebrating the premature blossoms of spring. Despite the calendar's insistence that it's still too early, the flowers and trees beg to differ, erupting in a riot of colors that's nothing short of magical. My morning ritual has become sitting on my balcony, coffee in hand, gazing out at this vibrant spectacle. It's these moments, that I treasure the most.

Lucky for me, my apartment is nestled in a little slice of paradise, a quaint spot on a hill surrounded by meadows and forests, yet astonishingly only a seven-minute drive from the bustling city of Graz (yes, I've timed it). It's the perfect blend of tranquility and convenience.

This weekend's adventure involved taking my dog for a walk, through this idyllic setting, armed with my camera (iPhone 12pro) to capture the beauty of spring's early bloomers. Fair warning: my botanical knowledge is pretty much non-existent, so while I can show you the floral snapshots, don't expect me to ace a botany quiz anytime soon. My track record with indoor plants is, let's just say, less than stellar. The survival rate of greenery in my care is so small, that my friends have ceased gifting me plants in a bid to save them from an untimely death. Thankfully, a resilient aloe vera and a mysterious survivor have managed to defy the odds and cling to life in my apartment. Here's hoping they continue to thrive against all odds.



Now, without further ado, let's dive into some of those springtime snapshots. If you happen to recognize any of these botanical beauties, feel free to drop a comment and enlighten me. After all, every day is a chance to learn something new, especially when it comes to the mysteries of nature.












I don't know the names of the plants posted above, so if you know, kindly enlighten me with your wisdom in the comment section below











Oh, I forgot to mention, my husband wasn't exactly doing cartwheels when he saw me fussing over my plants. I mean, let's face it, they were on a one-way trip to plant heaven. So, he swoops in with the brilliant idea of getting me Lego flowers. He's convinced these bad boys will outlast the apocalypse. Now, he's set for life, dodging the whole "oops, I killed another plant" scenario. Smart move, my dear! 😉



“No matter how chaotic it is, wildflowers will still spring up in the middle of nowhere.” – Sheryl Crow

With love, @tinabrezpike ❤️

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