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Wednesday Walk in the Quintessence of Life

Wednesday is really the best day for a spontaneous short walk. Everyone around is relaxing a little with work, after a stormy Monday and understands that there are still a couple of days for urgent matters. So you can sneak out early and enjoy a wonderful summer day.

That's exactly what I did today, deciding to visit a place I know well - a horse farm at the foot of the mountains. I thought I would be lucky if there were enough horses in the paddocks today, cause horses from this farm are put up not so much for sale as for rent by tourist companies, for organizing hiking in the mountains.


Do not worry, this is not a cruel exploitation for the purpose of profit, the owners and horse breeders treat each horse with trepidation and care and accompany them on each hike, before that they hold several meetings and trainings with tourists-riders. And in most cases, such trips give animals no less pleasure than people.


In summer there is a stir here because a riding school also opensbut. But luck showed me her smile again and I found these beauties grazing in the meadow.


However, another surprise was waiting for me... it turned out that for a photoshoot of animals in the field, you need to pay money. The price was very symbolic and I agreed without hesitation, but a little confused.



Hard times require new solutions. And judging by the fact that I immediately met a competitor on the field, this decision was successful for the hosts. I am very happy for them.




Such sunny and truly summer days are very rare on this side of the mountains, usually the sky is covered with clouds. So most of the time I didn't even take pictures, but just lay on the grass and looked at the horses and clouds. Forgive my laziness, friends, but it was a gift from mother nature.



I observed the quintessence of life. Almost in the middle of summer, the bright sun overhead, the warm wind, the blooming foothill meadow and the growing new life, the offspring of spring.


It was easy to imagine that the whole world was happy at that moment. Horses are very sociable and calm and seem happy to share their joy with anyone nearby.


Very young foals were overworked by the magical weather and joyful emotions and went to bed right in the field. +23 degrees Celsius is an unimaginable heat in our region.


Time stopped running, and I didn't even notice how evening came, and the horses were led to the stalls...



You know this strange twofold feeling, when you are very upset that something so wonderful has ended, but at the same time you realize that everything ended when it was necessary, not earlier and not later, preserving some magic


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