Tuesday the Sturdy Whalemen

The Sturdy Whalemen Statue

Good morning I hope life is treating you well

THis morning i thought i would share a few shots of a cool Statue in Buttonwood Park here in New Bedford, it is officially titled the Barnard Memorial but seems to be known as the Sturday Whalement statue, it is inthe centre in a roundabout in the park

Let me start with a full shot of it

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Sony A7iv 43mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

It was sculpted in 1914 by a Hungarian immigrant artist George Julian Zolnay.
As I said the sculpture is known as the Barnard Memorial, after the person who provided the funding, George D. Barnard, who was born in New Bedford but moved to St. Louis and formed a stationery company.
when the statue was dedicated, Barnard described his idea for the monument: “Why not erect a statue that would show the whaler at home and among his neighbors or a representation of the early New Bedford as I knew it as well as of the present city to continue the story.”

Zolnay,who at the time was a St. Louis resident, accepted the commission to memorialize “all that New Bedford was, all that it is and all it ever will be."

At the base of the monument stand seafaring men and women. Standing above them is a blacksmith wearing a thick apron balancing a gear upon an anvil. The inscription reads, “Dedicated as a Tribute to the sturdy whalemen who early won fame for New Bedford and their successors who, inheriting ideals and resourcefulness gave to the city new prominence by creating a great manufacturing center.”

it is an impressive piece,

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Sony A7iv 75mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 1600
Click here to view larger

Most of my photos are from early morning walks, Buttonwood Park and the Zoo there are one of the few places I head to for during the day walks, most other places I go to inthe early morning around sunrise

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Sony A7iv 67mm F9 1/125 Sec ISO 1000
Click here to view larger

a clkoser in shot of the Blacksmith on top

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Sony A7iv 75mm F9 1/125 Sec ISO 500
Click here to view larger

the wording on the monument

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Sony A7iv 75mm F9 1/125 Sec ISO 1000
Click here to view larger

and finishing off with another shot of the full piece

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Sony A7iv 58mm F9 1/125 Sec ISO 1000
Click here to view larger

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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