Thursday Early morning colors in Lakeville

Early morning colors in Lakeville

Good morning
again some shots from last summer, when I went to a place called Lakeville for a morning walk. its about a half hours drive to this spot and the sunrise was early at that time of year but as I was wide awake at 3:30 that morning was a good time ot visit there

Its a lovely spot on a road called between the lakes as thats exactly what it is a road between a couple of lakes, or as it happens they are ponds

and as one may guess from the name Lakeville has a few lakes, The town's name comes from the system of lakes in the town, including Assawompset Pond, Great Quittacas Pond, Little Quittacas Pond, Pocksha Pond, and Long Pond. Long Pond is the source of the Acushnet River, and Assawompset Pond is the source of the Nemasket River, which feeds the Taunton River. The indigenous name for Lakeville was Soewampset

when I visit there I always get a shot of this buildign I am not sure what its function is


Sony A7iv 28mm F11 10 Sec ISO 100
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Well I must have been thinking of another visit I did there, was still an early start but perhaps not so early as fromth4 colors htis looks like it was in Fall/Autumn and hence not quite such an early start

this next shot is standing onthe other sid eof that little building looking along the shore of one of the lakes or as it happens pond, Pocksha Pond it is called


Sony A7iv 17mm F9 3.2 Sec ISO 100
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and this is Great Quittacas Pond, most days i visited there there would be fisherman on that little outcrop in this shot but none where there that day


Sony A7iv 17mm F11 2.5 Sec ISO 100
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near to where i park a few hundred meters from the building inthe first shot, there is access tot he beach onthe side of thepond and thats where this next shot was taken again this is Great Quittacas Pond


Sony A7iv 25mm F11 1/2 Sec ISO 100
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Speakingof parkign my car ther eit is inthe distance


Sony A7iv 28mm F11 1/2 Sec ISO 100
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And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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